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Remove URL from Mirador single-item view #491

Closed jcreel closed 1 year ago

jcreel commented 1 year ago

Look for solutions in tamu-mirador configuration or in the structure of the generated IIIF Manifest.

Text from customer:

The URL, and perhaps the 1 of 1, should be removed from the Mirador image viewer. This is taking up too much landscape and the link is ugly. The project tamu-mirador should be investigated to determine if a configuration may be found within.

jcreel commented 1 year ago

Could test Mirador here: https://demos.library.tamu.edu/mirador/ Could feed it manifests such as: https://api.library.tamu.edu/iiif-service/fedora/presentation/3b/6f/c3/25/3b6fc325-f6ca-41d8-b91e-8c5db3be8c13/time_of_resolve_objects/93

kaladay commented 1 year ago

Here is an example where the footer has something more than 1 of 1 and also has a much shorter file name.

Notice that there is a ?page=1. If you click next a few times, you can see that some of these documents have multiple pages. Examples:

kaladay commented 1 year ago

Mirador upstream Issue:

The comment (https://github.com/ProjectMirador/mirador/issues/3362#issuecomment-743356147):

Automatically hide the paging controls when we know there is only one canvas associated with the object and the controls provide no value to the user.

kaladay commented 1 year ago

Investigation shows that there are accessibility reasons for having the "osd-info" area that is being asked to be suppressed.

see: https://github.com/ProjectMirador/mirador/issues/3107 see: https://github.com/ProjectMirador/mirador/issues/3123

If we find a way to disable this, then we might lost this accessibility functionality.

I would suggest using CSS to hide the OSD Info region (something like: .mirador-window .mirador-primary-window .mirador-osd-container).

kaladay commented 1 year ago

Created issue #509 to provide a solution derived from this investigation.