Search Aggregation Engine
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Problems with the search and special characters like ‘#’ #492

Open jcreel opened 1 year ago

jcreel commented 1 year ago

The URL encoding is likely breaking the search. When searching for something that has the pound symbol ‘#’, the URL being rendered in the browsers URL bar does not work. If this URL gets copied or the page gets reloaded, a 400 error is presented. Removing the “%23” (the encoded variation of the pound symbol ‘#’) from the ‘value’ field in the URL results in a working page.

Everything search seems fine. But searching for Title like so provides no result (the example here uses parentheses): https://library.tamu.edu/discovery/discovery-context/time-of-resolve?field=title&value=Map%20Showing%20Proposed%20Roads%20Between%20New%20Road%20(Rear)%20of%20Administration%20Building%20(New)%20and%20Highway%206&direction=ASC&sort=title

Ideally, this should be handled at the Solr core, but we need to ensure that SAGE is not mangling the URL somewhere in the pipeline.

kaladay commented 1 year ago

Created the following issues due to investigation.

The first two are more ore less directly related. The second two are other issues that popped up in the process.