Search Aggregation Engine
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Possible regression where facets are showing `(0)` for valid data. #498

Open kaladay opened 1 year ago

kaladay commented 1 year ago

The response payload looks something like:

  meta => {
    action => undef,
    id => undef,
    message => "Your request was successful",
    status => "SUCCESS"
  payload => {
    DiscoveryContext => {
      ascending => bless( do{\(my $o = 1)}, 'JSON::PP::Boolean' ),
      defaultOperand => "",
      facetFilters => [
          counts => {
            "Block-printed papers" => 0,
            "Bouquet marbled papers" => 0,
            "Bouquet marbled paperscurl marbled paperBouquet marbled papers" => 0,
            "Brushed paste papers" => 0,

This problem could be reduced if we actually check the counts on the UI side.

We really should figure out if this is a bug or not with SOLR and whether or not those values being returned are correct or not.

This could also be a problem with running a local instance of SOLR via docker.

jcreel commented 1 year ago

Try using Solr attribute for min-count