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When browsing by people, sort the list so that 'undefined' profiles show at the end. #353

Open wwelling opened 1 month ago

wwelling commented 1 month ago

As of 7/29/2024, we could reproduce this behavior at this link: https://scholars.library.tamu.edu/vivo/directory/People?collection=individual&fl=type,name,preferredTitle,researchAreas,positions,positions.organizations,thumbnail&facets=type,positions.organizations,researchAreas_nested_facets,selectedPublicationTag&type.type=STRING&type.pageSize=10&type.pageNumber=1&type.sort=COUNT,DESC&positions.organizations.type=STRING&positions.organizations.pageSize=10&positions.organizations.pageNumber=1&positions.organizations.sort=INDEX,ASC&researchAreas_nested_facets.type=STRING&researchAreas_nested_facets.pageSize=10&researchAreas_nested_facets.pageNumber=1&researchAreas_nested_facets.sort=COUNT,DESC&selectedPublicationTag.type=STRING&selectedPublicationTag.pageSize=10&selectedPublicationTag.pageNumber=1&selectedPublicationTag.sort=COUNT,DESC&class.filter=Person&class.opKey=EQUALS&filters=class&sort=name_sort,ASC&page=2&size=100#dda66109-cbea-4572-8248-4dbe8a333b2c

However, it does not seem to be consistent - if "undefined" does not show on a given page, click forward or back in the pagination and search again on page for "undefined".

We would like to diagnose the problem, be it data or otherwise, that is causing these spurious results.


C2H5-M commented 1 month ago

This is actually a data transfer issue (from the database updating to VIVO) that can be fixed by re-publishing a profile from the editor. Doug showed me how to fix them one person at a time.
Please update the request to possibly just sort the people list so that these 'undefined' profiles show at the end of the list, i.e., not visible on the first pages of search results.

wwelling commented 1 month ago
