TASEmulators / BizHawk

BizHawk is a multi-system emulator written in C#. BizHawk provides nice features for casual gamers such as full screen, and joypad support in addition to full rerecording and debugging tools for all system cores.
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N64 Texture Enhancement crashes EmuHawk with GlideN64 #1644

Open Lasvigne opened 5 years ago

Lasvigne commented 5 years ago

Hello there, first of all I apologies if this is the wrong place to report the issue, I know it probably is and I'm sorry in advance, and btw I'm quite new to BizHawk and all the coding stuff in general (this is my first post on github).

Okay, to make everything clear, I use BizHawk in the only purpose to playback and record my TAS movies done previously on Mupen 0.5. And GlideN64 is the only video plugin I want, because it's the only one who doesn't look disgusting. 1 As you can see other video plugins have that weird straight line underneath the HUD 2 GlideN64 here doesn't have that, and look amazing. And here is the texture enhancement HQ4x with sharp filtering 2 (on Mupen cause EmuHawk crashes 3 Even if it doesn't look that good on HUD, the game in general is beautiful with this texture enhancement.

My issue is that when putting a Texture Enhancement in GlideN64 on EmuHawk it literally crashes, all of them. It does the same of the Sharp & Smooth filtering. If someone can help me figure how to fix this it could be awesome.

By the way I have another issue with GlideN64 4 I have a weird black line on the right of the game, I've tried other resolution but it's still here.

YoshiRulz commented 5 years ago

If it works with the Mupen command-line launcher, you should be able to set all of the same config in EmuHawk, except our copy is older. I think --verbose might print them?

As for the border, open Config > Display... and try changing Window > Windowed > Frame or, if that doesn't work, Scaling & Filtering > Cropping > Right.

Lasvigne commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your cropping idea! I've removed the ugly black bars I had, do you have any idea if I can record a movie without those black bars ? Because when I remove them I still have them on my .avi file after a record.

YoshiRulz commented 5 years ago

first DDG result for ffmpeg crop

YoshiRulz commented 5 years ago

If you got it working, could you post a screenshot of the GlideN plugin settings in case someone else has the same problem?

Lasvigne commented 5 years ago

Okay so my first issue was the Texture Enhancing that crashed my game, this is still an issue, and since it's not fixed and it's the name of the issue I decided to re-open it. 4 Okay so I've tried every settings and none make my game works after changing something in 'Texture filter' & 'Texture Enhancement' Correct me if I'm wrong (probably the case) but I think textures are stocked somewhere else than the folder that countain BizHawk. And I've stated that 'Texture Path' is empty so maybe entering a path here may work ?? (It's the only solution I've found for the moment)

My second issue was the black line on the right of the screen. 1 As YoshiRulz said, a simple crop do the job. (On 1280x960 resolution these are the settings to remove the black bars on the right, bottom and top of the screen). 2 3 However when recording a movie the top and bottom lines are still there. Fortunately the little black line on the right is gone. But to record movies without those lines YoshiRulz send me this link https://video.stackexchange.com/questions/4563/how-can-i-crop-a-video-with-ffmpeg/4571#4571 In example 3 it teaches you how to crop top and bottom on your screen while recording. As I said before I'm completely new to all of this coding stuff so it will take me a bit of time to record ffmpeg with commands in EmuHawk. I've not said it before but my goal with all of this Texture Enhancing & black bars removing stuff, is to have a result that looks like this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5j6l9ULxmI& (SM64 1 Key TAS)

YoshiRulz commented 5 years ago

I've not tried it but in #622 the texture path was given as %APPDATA%\Mupen64Plus\hires_texture.

edit: further docs here from OoT rando wiki

Lasvigne commented 5 years ago

I've tried it all, game still crashing before the first frame. Do you have any idea if I can somehow use the GlideN64 from my Mupen 0.5 re-recording 0.8 (that works fine) into EmuHawk ?