TASEmulators / BizHawk

BizHawk is a multi-system emulator written in C#. BizHawk provides nice features for casual gamers such as full screen, and joypad support in addition to full rerecording and debugging tools for all system cores.
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[UPDATE] updating glideN64 #1718

Open resinate opened 4 years ago

resinate commented 4 years ago

please on next build update to latest gliden64 they have MANY MANY fixes for n64 games

when i manually put in the dll the emu crashes on both 32bit and 64bit saying internal dll cannot be hooked

they alrdy fixed this issue screenshot screenshot

edit: fixed sometime between 4.0 and master@ad85856ee according to gonetz/GLideN64#2124 --yoshi

resinate commented 4 years ago

yea im running latest BizHawk Git (2019/11/02) from emucr and i have those graphic glitches, it seems the dll in bizhawk is severely outdated i tried using newest version but nothing worked for me so maybe u guys can fix it.

Spikestuff commented 4 years ago

yea im running latest BizHawk Git (2019/11/02) from emucr

For future reference. Please use the AppVeyor builds instead of emucr.

resinate commented 4 years ago

never heard of it lol whats wrong with emucr? been using them for like 8 years now with no issues just saw u guys did an update today

YoshiRulz commented 4 years ago

It's generally a bad idea to get software from somewhere its developers don't have control over, especially if it isn't digitally signed. Other sites link to the source instead of providing their own downloads.

resinate commented 4 years ago

nice but yea any chance of using new 4.0+ GLideN64 any time soon? more like any chance of updating whole mupen section i dont know how u use it to make all dlls.

this is what happens when i try to use newest 32bit GLideN64 screenshot

vadosnaprimer commented 4 years ago

Test latest master https://ci.appveyor.com/project/zeromus/bizhawk-udexo/build/artifacts Might not help at all, but there's not a lot we can do with our 7 year old core.

resinate commented 4 years ago

just tried it, doesnt load any n64 games, just soft locks the program on black window.

vadosnaprimer commented 4 years ago

Sorry, grab it again.

GhostlyDark commented 3 years ago

What exactly is blocking an update of GLideN64? Branch_bizhawk does work fine as long as you disable threaded video, which in that version is turned on by default in Config.cpp (the default value was changed at some point later in GLideN64, sometime this year). Threaded video outright crashes the emulator if it is too old, which is the case here.

From the testing I've done so far it works really well. Obviously some options need to be exposed to the BizHawk config like the ability to switch to HTS (hires texture storage for HD textures) and to change the backgrounds mode for background images.

vadosnaprimer commented 3 years ago

Who said it's blocked? I updated it, asked to test it, and no one replied. I can update it again and disable MT, but I can't guarantee exposing more options.

EDIT: I tried merging upstream once again and the video is super bugged. A lot of missing stuff. Threaded video is disabled.

GhostlyDark commented 3 years ago

The default for bgMode can be set to one piece backgrounds [graphics2D.bgMode = BGMode::bgOnePiece] (better performance, texture packs require it), but texture cache is either distributed as HTC or in the new HTS format [txHiresTextureFileStorage]. Forcing either of the texture cache types is less than ideal, so exposing that option is something I have to ask for.

The January 2020 version of the GLideN64 branch works perfectly fine across various games that I tested, including Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Super Smash Bros., Mission Impossible and Donkey Kong 64.

vadosnaprimer commented 3 years ago

But it's from february. https://github.com/TASVideos/GLideN64/commits/Branch_bizhawk Which is what I committed to the hawk repo.

GhostlyDark commented 3 years ago

My bad, February 2020. It works beautifully.

DeluxeRandom commented 1 year ago

Hi I saw the thread, and thought I would post my problem here, I put the latest GlideN64 revision in Bizhawk to put HTS texture packs, but now I am getting this graphical error. Captura

GhostlyDark commented 1 year ago

Replacing the binary file doesn't really work, as you experienced.

I should mention that the current GLideN64 version that BizHawk ships with supports HTS and texture wildcards, so current texture packs should work just fine (though you may need to compile them from the PNG source as the cache format changed in the meantime, e.g. in case precompiled cache files don't load).

Freedbot commented 5 months ago

I would like to second the request for using a more recent build of GlideN64. Myself and others have also been struggling with texture packs that have updated to the more recent HTS format. OoT Reloaded 4k is the culprit for me. It's been quite annoying to see outdated info saying "Bizhawk only works with HTC packs" then another saying "Actually it works with HTS now" and then to find out that the HTS it works with isn't the same HTS that the pack I'm using is formatted in. Once I did manage to rebuild it from the pngs it still ran awful. The framerate hitches. This is not the case with the latest GlideN64 build when manually added to PJ64 3. Of course, I believe none of this is directly Bizhawk's fault. Further, the plugin options include changing the path for texture packs, but this is misleading at best, because compiled packs MUST go in %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Mupen64Plus\cache unless an option to change that path gets added. BTW, is there any chance we could not store Mupen64Plus files in an appdata folder? Ideally they'd stay in the Bizhawk folder.

No solution is perfect for pack compatibility, but if the popular emulators use the more recent plugin versions, then at least the texture pack makers will be more likely to all use the same format. Hoping gonetz can cement a standard and finally do a public release soon...