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User-facing error messages could be more precise #1693

Open YoshiRulz opened 12 months ago

YoshiRulz commented 12 months ago

see also #1580 re: auth redirecting back to error which no longer applies after auth

RubenVercaemst commented 11 months ago

Hi, I would like to work on this issue if possible :)

adelikat commented 11 months ago

Well, it isn't claimed, so go for it. But I'm not sure what exactly the plan is, the page is generic, it would need to know what kind of page it is, to show a different message

RubenVercaemst commented 11 months ago

I took a look, the project is using ExceptionHandler and StatusCodePagesWithReExecute middleware. The original request path can be retrieved through that middleware, depending on that path we could pass specified ExceptionMessages.