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Content Warnings on publications #1738

Open vadosnaprimer opened 6 months ago

vadosnaprimer commented 6 months ago

From the viewer perspective, it would be some GUI way to hide/disable the publication module (or parts of it) until they agree to watch content that may be problematic. There would be a way to hide the warning once, and a way to hide it forever.

From staff perspective, there would be several flags that could be set for a publication, indicating why it warrants a content warning. Examples:

If the Age Restricted flag is set, we set the youtube encode to that as well, be it a part of this ticket or a separate thing.

Required permission would be Edit Publication Meta Data.

Spikestuff commented 3 months ago

An idea with icons can be done as well (ignore the colour things, cba making new ones so just quoting Masterjun's full thoughts after it).

A simple icon that I could think of at the time for photo-sensitivity was 👀 still honestly don't know a suitable alternative besides-- 😵‍. image

And for titles that are [not] all happiness and rainbows a ⚠ symbol to indicate it. image

Masterjun referring to it:

looks okay, but I wouldn't want a publication page of mine to look like that, a dismissable message and an icon are fine, but not a full out color change like that especially considering color coding things is never a good idea for rather important details like content warnings

adelikat commented 3 months ago

Doing this with flags is a great idea! and would require no site development, admin just needs to setup the flags @vadosnaprimer what do you think?

vadosnaprimer commented 3 months ago

I personally like the exclamation mark and the red header BG, but if others don't I won't insist.

Maybe a more important thing is how to organize what we are planning to have the warnings for/about, for example I remember there was a talk about how it should be for different warning reasons and their implementation?

adelikat commented 3 months ago

I think with a slight change, we could use flags and get the header color changes, just need a new property on flags that would drive that behavior

Masterjun3 commented 3 months ago

I think I said this before, but I would suggest to absolutely not screw with the colors. We have currently color-coded publications in our blue, and submissions in gray (like on the front page), and the idea is to use a third color for the event publications. By using colors here, that would completely ruin the design we set out here.

adelikat commented 3 months ago

Good point.

I think the best implementation here is just to use flags, and write up documentation on when to use them. All of which is administrative and does not need site code changes

vadosnaprimer commented 3 months ago

OK so if we were to use flags and icons... I really like the exclamation mark one, but the eyes feel too vague, and then I wonder if we need different icons for different warnings. Maybe it could just be one flag and one icon, and then text in pub description (at the top if needed) saying what kind of thing we are warning about?

vadosnaprimer commented 1 week ago

How about this: a text field where we could type what kind of content we warn against, and if it's not empty, we replace streaming links with a red button that warns about contents?

Hiding pub description and screenshot is not needed because we don't put anything bad in there, tho where do we put the info that allows to disable those warnings globally?