TATangZY / Elon-Power

The Power of Elon Mask -- an ECE 143 Project
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Topics #14

Open TATangZY opened 1 year ago

mackmar commented 1 year ago

Definitely both dogecoin and bitcoin, since Elon tweeted about them right before google search spikes

mackmar commented 1 year ago

SpaceX had one large spike, Tesla looked like it had quite a few, multiple that correlated with his tweets. Definite yes for Tesla, possible yes for SpaceX

saudalsulaiman commented 1 year ago

Etsy, and GameStop are also tweets that have spiked stock prices. https://www.ceotodaymagazine.com/2021/12/elon-musks-most-influential-tweets-of-2021/

saudalsulaiman commented 1 year ago

https://financebuzz.com/elon-musk-tweets here is another link of 12 tweets that had influence. I think we should gather as many influential tweets as we can to help our data visualization.

saudalsulaiman commented 1 year ago
