TBC5ManTracker / TBC5ManIssues

Bug Tracker for TBC 5 Man
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🐛 [Bug Report] - Deathfrost #29

Open deathstreal opened 5 years ago

deathstreal commented 5 years ago

Description: Deathfrost is a weapon enchant that can substitute an attack speed debuff and a casting speed debuff.

How it works: Currently, Deathfrost has a ~3.5% proc chance (800 hits sample) from auto attacks, SoR, Concecration, Judgement. Mobs that cannot have their casts slowed are immune to the debuff, making them unable to receive an attack speed debuff.

How it should work: Deathfrost should have a 10-12% proc chance from auto attacks, SoR, Concecration, Judgement and a 50% proc chance from spells (Exorcism). Mobs that cannot have their casts slowed should still receive the debuff and receive the effects that they arent immune to.

Source - You need to provide a source as evidence: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Deathfrost

Additional Information: I do not have a detailed list of spells and effects that proc the 25s icd but I do think it is not so important, seeing as this was a meme enchant that is relevant here only because of Prot Palas being MTs.

oldspices commented 5 years ago

deathfrost never reduced movement speed in TBC at least. so that is wrong- have you checked to see if these mobs are immune to frost damage? That could be the reason why - otherwise idk .

deathstreal commented 5 years ago

You are right, it doesnt slow. It doesnt have anything to do with frost damage immunity, it simply doesnt apply to any boss and the majority of raid trash mobs, despite doing damage to them.