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🐛 [Bug Report] - vengeful gladiator dragonhide gloves equip effect does not work #33

Closed oldspices closed 4 years ago

oldspices commented 4 years ago


the gloves simply do not work~

How it works:

Equip: Causes your Maim ability to interrupt spellcasting and prevent any spell in that school from being cast for 3sec.

How it should work:

it should act as a mini kick, locking that school of magic

Source - You need to provide a source as evidence:

Additional Information:

aside from their very usefulness in pvp ~ I was hoping to use these for certain PVE encounters as it allows feral druids to "kick" on bosses and be more useful, but sadly it looks like these dont work.

BlessedCammi commented 4 years ago

If I can replicate it should be an easy fix so expect it to be resolved shortly.

oldspices commented 4 years ago

just tested in duel vs desquarius and he said didnt work :/

BlessedCammi commented 4 years ago

@oldspices Retest I've reworked it.

oldspices commented 4 years ago

works thx