TBC5ManTracker / TBC5ManIssues

Bug Tracker for TBC 5 Man
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🐛 [Bug Report] - arms warrior talent second wind proc #34

Closed oldspices closed 4 years ago

oldspices commented 4 years ago


procs when stuns/roots are "immune" such as a druids roots after there is full DR- roots immune but second wind procs--- it also does not proc from many stuns such as improved concussive shot, etc.

How it works:

How it should work:

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Additional Information:

oldspices commented 4 years ago

i should test to see if it procs on resists, too.

BlessedCammi commented 4 years ago

Invalid Template - please repost. I know this may be frustrating but I can't have people get lazy and start ignoring the set template. With no fix to this post after 3 days I can only assume the poster has no intention to amend the bug report