TBC5ManTracker / TBC5ManIssues

Bug Tracker for TBC 5 Man
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🐛 [Bug Report] - Hunter Talent [Rapid Killing] #41

Open Exeasd opened 4 years ago

Exeasd commented 4 years ago


Second part of this talent doesnt proc from all attacks.

How it works:

After killing opponent that yields expierience or honor, you are correctly getting buff for 20 sec to the next auto etc. with some exception. If you land last hit with your ranged autoattack, arcane shot, or aimed shot(every spell that consume the buff afterwards) you dont get the buff.

How it should work:

Buff should proc from every hunter/pet attack that kills enemy

Source - You need to provide a source as evidence:

Additional Information:

oldspices commented 4 years ago

can confirm, was going to make report but lazy.