TBD54566975 / dap

Decentralized Agnostic Paytag
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Think through how to support sending metadata / additional information alongside payments #10

Open mistermoe opened 3 weeks ago

mistermoe commented 3 weeks ago

Problem Statement

Providing additional information when sending money can often be quite helpful.

concrete examples that comes to mind are:

I think it would be helpful if we could:

[!NOTE] My hunch is that figuring out how to pass along metadata will end up being quite important. The mechanism through which metadata is passed along would be built alongside or as something on top of DAPs themselves as potentially a separate standard. But maybe we can figure out a clean, simple, low-lift approach that fits in nicely as part of DAPs themselves

geehsien commented 3 weeks ago

In parallel with thinking about use cases, a few ways we can think about metadata broadly: