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come up with `maddr` scheme for BTC Silent Payment Addresses #12

Closed mistermoe closed 2 weeks ago

mistermoe commented 2 weeks ago

Credit to @aparkersquare for this idea

BIP 0352, aka "Silent Payments," proposes a protocol that allows an individual to share a static address that the sender uses to generate the actual payable address. This is done by combining the recipient's static address with a secret scalar derived from their own private key and the recipient's public key resulting in a unique stealth address for each transaction without revealing the link on the blockchain. The recipient can use their private key to detect and spend the funds from this address

This works really well with money addresses.

aparkersquare commented 2 weeks ago

For reference here, examples of the existing bitcoin maddr schemes (taken from the spec) are

BTC LNURL urn:btc:lnurl:https://someurl.com

BTC Address urn:btc:addr:1LMcKyPmwebfygoeZP8E9jAMS2BcgH3Yip

I think that naturally leads us to

BTC Silent Payment Address urn:btc:spaddr:sp1qqweplq6ylpfrzuq6hfznzmv28djsraupudz0s0dclyt8erh70pgwxqkz2ydatksrdzf770umsntsmcjp4kcz7jqu03jeszh0gdmpjzmrf5u4zh0c

Personally I feel like "Silent Payments" is a slightly confusing name. I tend to think of it as "reusable address", so one option might be raddr for the scheme, but that may just be me.

spaddr is more obviously related to the name of the BIP, so overall a better choice.

Interestingly the Abstract for BIP-0352 says "This document specifies a protocol for static payment addresses in Bitcoin ...", so you can equally associate spaddr with "static payment address" and it still works fine.