TBD54566975 / known-customer-credential

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Ambiguity in Access Token request specification #14

Open tomdaffurn opened 3 months ago

tomdaffurn commented 3 months ago

We are using the Pre-Authorized Code Flow defined in OID4VCI. It builds upon OAuth 2.0 RFC6749.

However there seem to be some conflicts in the parameters to the Access Token Request:

1. code / pre-authorized_code field

RFC6749 says code is required, and must come from the Authorization Endpoint. We don't use that endpoint because Pre-Authorized Code Flow explicitly removes that step. So we have no value to use in the field.

OID4VCI says it complies fully with RFC6749, and addtionally has pre-authorized_code required. It appears to be for this same purpose as code.

2. grant_type value

RFC6749 says grant_type MUST be "authorization_code". OID4VCI introduces a new grant type "pre-authorized_code" which must be used in a Pre-Authorized Code flow. Does the new type supersede the RFC6769 requirement?

decentralgabe commented 3 months ago

Yes, it does supersede the requirement from RFC6769.

KendallWeihe commented 3 months ago

This is relevant to the PR I have open here https://github.com/TBD54566975/known-customer-credential/pull/12

Specifically you can see what I have in the Token Request table here https://github.com/TBD54566975/known-customer-credential/tree/kendallw/credential-iss-metadata?tab=readme-ov-file#token-request

decentralgabe commented 3 months ago

@selfissued do you believe that the OID4VCI spec text should be updated to make this clearer?

selfissued commented 3 months ago

It's already the case that OAuth 2.0 [RFC 6749] has an extension point that allows other grant types to be defined and used. The pre-authorized flow grant uses this extension point. So I don't see any conflicts.

If any of you believe that clarification language could help, I'd be glad to review it before proposing an issue on the OpenID4VCI spec.