TBD54566975 / known-customer-credential

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Proposal for a bigger access token #25

Closed tomdaffurn closed 1 month ago

tomdaffurn commented 1 month ago

Propose a fatter access token:

  1. Comply fully with RFC9068
    • add aud. This is our Issuer, which will probably be the same DID as our Authorization Server, but they are distinct in OAuth
    • add client_id. The applicant DID from SIOPv2 request. Will be the same as sub, but is required by the spec
    • add jti
  2. Add c_nonce abd c_nonce_expiry. These are included so the Credential Endpoint / Issuer can consume the token without calling back to the Authorization server. It's fewer fields in our DB. They're not part of RFC9068, but are endorsed by it:

    in-market use has shown that many commercial OAuth 2.0 implementations elected to issue access tokens using a format that can be parsed and validated by resource servers directly, without further authorization server involvement.

[Use] JWT claims to convey the information needed to support a common set of use cases: token validation, transporting authorization information in the form of scopes and entitlements, carrying identity information about the subject, and so on

KendallWeihe commented 1 month ago

in-market use has shown that many commercial OAuth 2.0 implementations elected to issue access tokens using a format that can be parsed and validated by resource servers directly, without further authorization server involvement

So is the idea that the credential issuer will validate the proof jwt's nonce against the access token's nonce? 🤔 yeah I like it! nice!

KendallWeihe commented 1 month ago

did we have a concrete use case for the addition of jti? I'm presuming it's an indexed column in the db for lookups?

tomdaffurn commented 1 month ago

did we have a concrete use case for the addition of jti? I'm presuming it's an indexed column in the db for lookups?

No strong need for it, but it's REQUIRED in RFC9068. It definitely can be a DB ID. It also makes each token unique

EbonyLouis commented 1 month ago

@tomdaffurn @KendallWeihe @decentralgabe @mistermoe Hey guys for any future KCC changes please add me to the conversation, I don't want our guides to ever become outdated/misleading. - thanks!

decentralgabe commented 1 month ago

hey @EbonyLouis I would recommend 'watch' ing the repo so you auto get notifications I will also add you as a codeowner

EbonyLouis commented 1 month ago

Great idea, thanks @decentralgabe !