TBD54566975 / known-customer-credential

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Add discoverability section & use service `id` instead of `type` #29

Closed KendallWeihe closed 3 weeks ago

KendallWeihe commented 1 month ago

From here https://github.com/TBD54566975/known-customer-credential?tab=readme-ov-file#initiate-application

We currently have:

  1. Mobile App resolves the PFI's DID and sends an HTTP GET Request to the serviceEndpoint of the first IDV service found in the resolved DID Document

Add a section dedicated to discoverability (tbdex http-api spec for inspiration).

We MUST use the DID Core Service id instead of type, and include language as to how this is beneficial to the feature of DID URL Dereferencing.

KendallWeihe commented 1 month ago

Probably we should add a section under Credential Application Flow, prior-to the existing Initiate Application called Discoverability.

The value of the service's id should be equal to the DID URI + idv fragment, so that dereferencing operations can be performed.

We probably want to include guidance on what the value of the type property is, as it will pertain to registering in registries for the sake of crawling, but that's a much larger can of worms. I'll open a subsequent ticket for that matter.

KendallWeihe commented 1 month ago

Would be nice to add a swimlane in the Credential Application Flow, but would require a new participant for the counter party enabling the discovery, and it's unclear to me at this time who that counter party will be. Will leave out for now.