TBD54566975 / web5-go

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did dht resolution inconsistent with web5-js implementation #157

Open jiyoontbd opened 1 month ago

jiyoontbd commented 1 month ago

using did dht of did:dht:diyiiuks5k1iiep5pjwqfheg47fo9r9iz66agct7qjjxbqw8nxmy, i used the web5-js test method to resolve it and got this as my did document

  "id": "did:dht:diyiiuks5k1iiep5pjwqfheg47fo9r9iz66agct7qjjxbqw8nxmy",
  "authentication": [],
  "assertionMethod": [],
  "capabilityDelegation": [],
  "capabilityInvocation": [],
  "verificationMethod": [
      "id": "did:dht:diyiiuks5k1iiep5pjwqfheg47fo9r9iz66agct7qjjxbqw8nxmy#0",
      "type": "JsonWebKey",
      "controller": "did:dht:diyiiuks5k1iiep5pjwqfheg47fo9r9iz66agct7qjjxbqw8nxmy",
      "publicKeyJwk": {
        "kty": "OKP",
        "crv": "Ed25519",
        "x": "HUFazVbapVqhu2po4vEG10sPk_W_vYMyPXJS8LqHE9Y",
        "kid": "eyQ-YzdtG9pk-9m0cvjLsavFXY1765OOHQxCDxz5Mdo",
        "alg": "EdDSA"

however, using the same did dht does not result in the same did document being built

  "id": "did:dht:diyiiuks5k1iiep5pjwqfheg47fo9r9iz66agct7qjjxbqw8nxmy"

the linked PR https://github.com/TBD54566975/web5-go/pull/156 can be used to repro this