TBD54566975 / web5-spec

Web5 Spec
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Test Vectors - Verifiable Credentials - JSON Schema #170

Open decentralgabe opened 2 months ago

decentralgabe commented 2 months ago

This issue outlines gaps in testing of JSON Schema independently along with with its usage in conjunction with the W3C VCDM v1.1. Tasks may have partial test coverage today (linked if true). If sufficient test coverage already exists, please close the task and link the relevant test.

Tasks may need discussion on the best way to approach them. The goal is to create a set of language agnostic test vectors that give us sufficient confidence in maintaining interoperability of features between implementations.

JSON Schema


Note this is generic JSON Schema functionality

VC JSON Schema


nitro-neal commented 2 months ago

Would we host some real life json schemas for our testing purposes? We can just put some examples in the web5-spec github?

decentralgabe commented 2 months ago

yes, take a look at the test vectors here for a sense of what's covered -- https://github.com/w3c/vc-json-schema-test-suite/blob/main/tests/input/jsonschema/2020-12/1-schema.json

note, we do not need to do web-based resolution, this can be completely static. but we should have schemas that are fairly robust