TBFY / knowledge-graph-API

This repository is dedicated to the core API of the TheyBuyForYou project built on top of R4R (https://github.com/TBFY/r4r)
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Different type of “ID” or “ocid” when using API search or Core API. So we cannot relate them. We cannot use the results of one to get more information with the other #39

Open Merlondio opened 4 years ago

Merlondio commented 4 years ago

In the knowledge-graph-API you can consult and obtain an ID that uniquely identifies a tender, but with this ID we can consult the documents that have associated; attached example: https://tbfy.librairy.linkeddata.es/kg-api/tender?size=1 "id" : "ocds-0c46vo-0009-DN379620-1_DN379620-1" http://tbfy.librairy.linkeddata.es/kg-api/tender/ocds-0c46vo-0009-DN379620-1_DN379620-1/document [{"id" : "tender_url", "type" : "tenderNotice", "language" : "en", "url" : "https:\/\/procontract.due-north.com\/Advert?advertId=a9d162c1-c60d-e911-80f0-005056b64545"}]

Conversely, in search-api we can consult documents which are uniquely identified by another ID http://tbfy.librairy.linkeddata.es/search-api/documents [{"id": "jrc21996A0520_01-de", "language": "de", "name": "Abkommen über die Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der friedlichen Nutzung der Kernenergie zwischen der Europäischen Atomgemeinschaft und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika - Vereinbarte Niederschrift - Erklärung zur Nichtverbreitungspolitik", "source": "jrc"}]

The problem we have is to be able to relate the associated documents in the knowledge-graph-API with the search-API. The IDs do not match and we do not know any way to consult any of the APIs so that we can relate the documents of one to the other.