TBSniller / piccap

PicCap - Hyperion Sender App | Ambilight for LG WebOS TVs
MIT License
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Installed just fine but settings are not saved! #1

Closed snipah closed 2 years ago

snipah commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your effort! Had to test piccap directly on my C9. TV is rooted and piccab installed just fine according to your manual. Wget ist working and makes downloading the app to TV much easier btw.

When started on TV the app would not save settings and did not start. I looked at dmesg but this did not really help. Are any logs written? Anything I could test for you?

Uninstalled it for now and went back to hardware-solution with HDMI-splitter/-grabber!

TBSniller commented 2 years ago

Hey there, this sounds like the background service isnt running as root. Did you do the steps mentioned on "Before first run" and "after first run"? Furthermore what is the "Status" saying and what happen if you click save? What WebOS-Version is your TV running? If you have the WebOS-SDK installed, you can use the debugging-tools: ares-inspect.cmd -d YOURTV -a "org.webosbrew.piccap" -o ares-inspect.cmd -d YOURTV -s "org.webosbrew.piccap.service", after seeing port in console -> about://inspect in Chrome -> configure networktargets.. -> add localhost:PORT -> save -> wait few secounds and click Inspect from the list below

Otherwise you could try increasing Loglevel by using PmLogCtl set '*' debug and tail -F /var/log/messages. On older WebOS-Versions loglevel can be increased like mentioned here: https://gist.github.com/Informatic/1983f2e501444cf1cbd182e50820d6c1#increase-pmlogd-logging

wget is obvously a nice hint, thanks! It also will be added to the homebrew repo later when things are ready.

Thanks for testing! :)

snipah commented 2 years ago

Yes! Did all the steps mentioned in your readme.

/ # cat /var/luna-service2-dev/api-permissions.d/org.webosbrew.hbchannel.service.api.json {"public":["org.webosbrew.hbchannel.service/*"],"ares.webos.cli":["org.webosbrew.hbchannel.service/*"]}

After first run status remains at "Checking servicestatus" forever...

webOS TV 4.9.1 is installed!

TBSniller commented 2 years ago

Okay, so the service isnt responding.. Could you please run luna-send -i -f luna://org.webosbrew.piccap.service/isStarted '{}' on your TV? If the service is responding after ~30 secounds it should run, then it might be another permission issue I'm remebering. It should looks like: root@LGwebOSTV:~# luna-send -i -f luna://org.webosbrew.piccap.service/isStarted '{}' { "isStarted": false, "returnValue": true }

snipah commented 2 years ago

No response after entering luna-send -i -f luna://org.webosbrew.piccap.service/isStarted '{}'

I think I found the problem, but do not know how to solve it. I installed it by using Telnet, because I can't login via ssh because the default Alpine-root-password does not work. Need to gain root-ssh-access by setting up shared keys, but how? :)

TBSniller commented 2 years ago

You can take a look here: https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/cloud-at-customer/occ-get-started/generate-ssh-key-pair.html You then copy the complete content of the .pub file on the TV in a new line in /home/root/.ssh/authorized_keys You can then login via ssh root@YOURTV. If you are Windowsuser it should also work with PowerShell If you need more help regarding this you can come over to the discord: https://discord.gg/9sqAgHVRhP

But I don't think its the problem you are having.. I will install a WebOS 4 emulator and do some research, maybe there is an older NodeJS version running or so...

snipah commented 2 years ago

I regained ssh-root-access and you were right: This does not solve the problem! If you need any support from me by testing stuff, I will gladly help!

Tried to join the discord, but somehow it does not load the messages, while other servers work just fine!

TBSniller commented 2 years ago

So I've did some research and think the older NodeJS-Version really is the problem. I've used Babel to transcript it to a older version. On my WebOS 5 TV it is still working fine in this "compatibility mode", but I hadn't got any luck on the WebOS 4 emulator, maybe no root or something else was the problem.. Could you please try it again? I created a new release with the number 0.0.8. and synced my changes. Thanks!

snipah commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the update! Works now, but no data received via flatbuffer

Status: Capture running: true

TBSniller commented 2 years ago

I will closing this because the application isnt the problem. In this case the underlaying hyperion-webs is the problem. Mariotaku had also the idea to try n older version on your TV. If you don't know how, just hang me up on Discord again.