I've just rooted my 86UM7600PLB running WebOS 05.40.45
In general PicCap is working with a HyperionHDR instance hosted on Proxmox flawlessly.
Just the autostart of PicCap seems not to work, so calling the app manually is mandatory on every start of the TV. It' just opening the app and the service is starting immediately without any button press needed.
Checking via telnet if the script probably don't have sufficient rights, pushed me into the direction if the autostart script may fail on TV startup.
I've just rooted my 86UM7600PLB running WebOS 05.40.45
In general PicCap is working with a HyperionHDR instance hosted on Proxmox flawlessly.
Just the autostart of PicCap seems not to work, so calling the app manually is mandatory on every start of the TV. It' just opening the app and the service is starting immediately without any button press needed.
Checking via telnet if the script probably don't have sufficient rights, pushed me into the direction if the autostart script may fail on TV startup.
/media/developer/apps/usr/palm/services/org.webosbrew.piccap.service # ./piccapautostart /media/developer/apps/usr/palm/services/org.webosbrew.piccap.service # { "errorCode": -1, "returnValue": false, "errorText": "Unknown method \"isRunning\" for category \"/\"" }
Starting the binary manually is throwing some errors, but ambilight is working as expected: