TBXark / ChatGPT-Telegram-Workers

Deploy your own Telegram ChatGPT bot on Cloudflare Workers with ease.
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[Feature] image generation and text generation use different AI providers #235

Closed rtromp4 closed 8 months ago

rtromp4 commented 8 months ago

I want to use chatgpt unofficial api for text generation and cloudflare for image gen... How to do it/?

TBXark commented 8 months ago

Do you mean that image generation and text generation use different AI providers?

rtromp4 commented 8 months ago

Yes... (For text i will use my own bingai (works fine with ur code @Imagegenbot009bot and for image i will use cloudflares model)

TBXark commented 8 months ago

This configuration is not available at the moment, but you can modify the code loadImageGen to only return requestImageFromWorkersAI


rtromp4 commented 8 months ago

Thanks for help

rtromp4 commented 8 months ago

Problem solved 🎇