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Break down function inputs/outputs #25

Open imogenagle opened 4 months ago

imogenagle commented 4 months ago

Go through each function and write out descriptions of its inputs/outputs and how each function works.

samaloney commented 4 months ago

So I think the major steps at least as far as creating the contours are:

  1. co-align (reproject with differential rotation) only the AIA data
  2. log transform
  3. make ratios
  4. clip
  5. threshold (to make binary masks)
  6. combine masks
  7. extract contours what do you think, something missing?
samaloney commented 4 months ago

So the google doc is great lots of detail but I guess I was more meaning to think about the things need to be done rather then the current functions etc as above what do you think of them @imogenagle?

imogenagle commented 4 months ago

Hello! Here is an idea for the core steps that need to be done (based on both the paper and code) 1) Re-project 2) log conversion 3) multi-thermal image segmentation: use Michelson contrast equation for ratios, fit a line through the minimum in intensity (hardcoded slope in log space) 4) conjunction of 3 bitmasks 5) extract contours 6) reject small candidates 7) reject candidates that are not unipolar (dependent on area) 8) remove off-limb candidates