TCEC-Chess / tcecgames

The TCEC games archive
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Add historical Thoresen games in the TCEC games archive #41

Closed skiminki closed 3 weeks ago

skiminki commented 3 months ago

TCEC originally stood for Thoresen Chess Engines Competition. The web server has the following old tournament PGNs from 2010 from the Thoresen times:

It would be nice to add these in the TCEC games database for historical record. Since the archive organizes everything by seasons, I'm thinking about adding these as "Season 0" games.

These PGNs have a different way of marking book moves to any TCEC proper PGN. This means that some Python changes are needed in to find the book exits.

skiminki commented 3 months ago

The source material is missing book exits for:

Tournament 1 has 8-move book exits for almost all games (except one: round 1.3 last game uses 6 moves exit). So, I made a workaround (WAR) in compactifypgn based on an educated guess that the game missing engine evals also used 8 moves book exit.