TCNCoalition / TCN

Specification and reference implementation of the TCN Protocol for decentralized, privacy-preserving contact tracing.
MIT License
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Is a strawman protocol still TCN compatible ? #77

Open pelinquin opened 4 years ago

pelinquin commented 4 years ago

I am proposing a protocol that is more or less the strawman protocol and I don't see any scale issue.

Given TCN is 16 bytes long A TCN changed every 15 minutes for 14 days gives a maximum of 1344 TCNs or 21.5kBytes maximum as there is no need to send the TCNs without contact. You can even set a maximum number of contacts per day (20 for example). With 10,000 positive cases reported per day, this makes a file of 215 MB at the most, but rather less than 1 MB on average. I don't see a problem for any HTTP server ! What would be the interest to change the TCNs declared for Covid+ to simulate a contact with a person whose TCN has been captured? Since we choose not to report TCNs, we can not warn certain people.

So my question is Would I be compatible if I stayed on a strawman protocol?