TCNOco / TcNo-Acc-Switcher

A Super-fast account switcher for Steam,, Epic Games, Origin, Riot, Ubisoft and many others!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Steam account switcher doesnt work properly #145

Closed Michail77 closed 2 years ago

Michail77 commented 2 years ago

Hi, like one hour ago I tried to log in to my second account as always trough account switcher shurtcut, but it logged me in my main account .. I tried this like 10x times and it kept logging me in to my main account and not my secondary .. I reseted cmos yesterday .. can this cause this issue ?? What should I do ? Thanks !!

TCNOco commented 2 years ago

When you're switching accounts does Steam close? This is usually the culprit. It should be prompting you for admin when you swap accounts. If not, right-click the shortcut and run it as admin. This should fix the issue :)

Michail77 commented 2 years ago

Yes, steam does close and open again and start logging in to the same account that it was logged before. I have set opening with admin as default in properties.

nyaruku commented 2 years ago

That error just appeared for me too. Dont know how to fix

TCNOco commented 2 years ago

@KilluaYT @Michail77 I will have a fix in a day or so. Let me know if installing an earlier version fixes it for you:

Michail77 commented 2 years ago

Yessss , I downloaded installer for version 4.2 and it wooorks !!!! Thanks for being So active, I love your program! Keep doing this Bro <3

TCNOco commented 2 years ago

:/ Alright that's a little annoying... I'll undo my changes for closing Steam ~ Which will take a few minutes... But I do need to finish a half-baked feature I'm working on for now. Should be done by tomorrow this time - Hopefully.

nyaruku commented 2 years ago

I downloaded 4.2, and didnt worked either (crashes on startup), but i deleted the one version i had before (300x) and launched the 4.2 updater and updated to 2022-02-01_01 and now it works

TCNOco commented 2 years ago

So... You uninstalled it... Then reinstalled an older version... Updated... And now it works fine? What? xD

TCNOco commented 2 years ago

I have changed the method that's used by default to close Steam, and it should result in more reliable switching as before the update. Check TcNo Account Switcher > Steam > Options and try the following setting with different combinations if TaskKill is not working well. Restart the account switcher after changing this option. image

Reopen and comment if you're still experiencing issues :)