TCPShield / RealIP

The Spigot, Bungee and Velocity plugin that parses client IP addresses passed from the TCPShield network.
MIT License
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RedisBungee Compatibility #45

Closed kolakz closed 2 years ago

kolakz commented 3 years ago

Hey, I would like to suggest redisbungee compatibility with TCPShield if you ever have the time!

lhridder commented 3 years ago

What functionality would you like to see that uses RedisBungee?

kolakz commented 3 years ago

Don't know too much about this so it might not be possible but maybe the ability to use TCPShield on my redis server?

DylanKeir commented 2 years ago

This should already be possible since we only validate hostnames and you can use a round robin proxy setup by adding multiple backends to your backend set in the TCPShield panel. If you have issues setting this up with TCPShield, please create a ticket at and we'll help you get it sorted.