TCPShield / RealIP

The Spigot, Bungee and Velocity plugin that parses client IP addresses passed from the TCPShield network.
MIT License
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Container shows unhealthy, failing healthcheck #94

Open TheColetrain opened 1 year ago

TheColetrain commented 1 year ago

I recently updated a portainer paper minecraft server to TCPSheild using plugin and also ProtocolLib. Everything went well, except it's now failing health check. (thanks for everything you did, as the game works perfect in conjunction with TCPSheild)

Any advice for me? And please reply with detail and be kind to me as I am inexperienced. Running a stack on portainer. (like docker-compose jik) I can exec into the container and SSH to the host, but I am unsure of where to go after that. I'm not sure where the specific "logs" are that I am supposed to check. (I'm happy to check them, but WHERE are these logs? :-()

I did find this with a docker inspect command on the host. Or is this something that I can pass a new environment variable on the STACK? (docker-compose) and if so, what IP & port? Minecraft is 25565 and I have it mapped externally to 25570.

"Health": { "Status": "unhealthy", "FailingStreak": 4912, "Log": [ { "Start": "2023-02-17T21:02:51.140253859Z", "End": "2023-02-17T21:02:51.26331095Z", "ExitCode": 1, "Output": "failed to ping localhost:25565 : EOF" }, {