TCRAKN / ESP8266-Coingecko

Arduino ESP8266 Crypto Ticker using API and ArduinoJson.
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Update Fingerprint #2

Open juancabe opened 1 year ago

juancabe commented 1 year ago

CoinGecko changed their fingerprint, new one is E8 60 38 66 AD 34 C8 A7 A5 3E 32 4D 73 C1 6E 00 51 05 D4 76. I don't know how to pull request but I wanted to communicate it to you.

TCRAKN commented 1 year ago

Hi Juan,

I've just updated the fingerprint on my set-up and is successfully receiving and displaying requested data.

As for Pull Requests, I'm afraid I'm not so clued-up on all aspects of GitHub. I'll have a look at Pull Requests. Are you saying that Pull Requests isn't working?

Best AK