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Two different atlases for Rga SetReach buildings #403

Open RakanishuPT opened 1 year ago

RakanishuPT commented 1 year ago

Sky_Data/textures/ Sky_Data/textures/

Can these be combined into one atlas? Both are present in vanilla and HD T_D releases.

revenorror commented 1 year ago

Textures with dimensions that are a ratio greater than 1:8 and sufficiently large can have trouble loading on some systems, project atlas had this problem previously with the old velothi atlas which was 1:16 and wouldnt load for some users using the HD textures. splitting it into two fixed it. I have no clue how these atlases are set up though but if theres two atlases my immediate guess it that's why they were split I do remember from looking at these meshes a while ago they also use a wood strip texture along with the atlas, if the wood texture could possibly be squeezed into some empty space then it would reduce a drawcall there

Kynesifnar commented 1 year ago

Combining the atlases would hit the ratio which revenorror mentioned. However, there is enough room on both of the atlases to include as suggested, which is used on many of the building meshes.