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Error in global Cook and Fisherman my trade entry #651

Open Revane-Crowford opened 1 week ago

Revane-Crowford commented 1 week ago

The current entry reads

I am a cook. I prepare meals with ingenuity and skill, and I keep those around me happy with full bellies. I'm adept at using knives and hammers, skills I use to prepare meats and and tenderize them to perfection. With the right ingredients, I can even imbue food with minor alchemical effects.

The bolded "and and" is the main error, although I would also suggest another change: "adept at using knives and hammers, skills I use to"->"proficient with knives and hammers, skills I use to" to avoid repeating "use".

So my suggestion is:

I am a cook. I prepare meals with ingenuity and skill, and I keep those around me happy with full bellies. I'm proficient with knives and hammers, skills I use to prepare meats and tenderize them to perfection. With the right ingredients, I can even imbue food with minor alchemical effects.

Revane-Crowford commented 1 week ago

Similar issue in the my trade for the global fisherman class, which reads

I'm a fisherman. I use nets ands rods to catch fish to feed my family and to sell at the market. I sometimes fish at the shore, but most of the time I'm out in my boat. I know all the currents and where the fish will be at any time of the day or night.
