Hello, the testing script was not working on Monterey. I was getting the error "ld: library not found for -lSystem". After some googling and experimenting, I found this: https://github.com/ponylang/ponyc/issues/3684. Seems Apple made a breaking change with the default system libraries' locations, and now Homebrew's package (obtained with brew install llvm) is out of sync.
I was able to fix the issue by passing the exact same flag in the question. My link_llvm function inside testing.py now looks like this:
## Assemble and link files with LLVM.
def link_llvm(path, source_str):
runtime = os.path.join(path, 'lib', 'runtime.bc')
fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(
prefix='test_llvm_', suffix='.bc', dir=os.getcwd())
with open(tmp, 'w+') as f:
run_command("llvm-as", [], source_str, f)
run_command("llvm-link", [tmp, runtime, "-o=main.bc"])
new_linker_loc = ""
if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
mac_ver, _, _ = platform.mac_ver()
new_linker_loc = "-L/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib" if mac_ver > '12.0.0' else ""
run_command("clang", ["main.bc", new_linker_loc])
clean_files([tmp, "main.bc"])
Maybe someone else is running into this issue as well, so I thought I'd post this suggestion.
Hello, the testing script was not working on Monterey. I was getting the error
"ld: library not found for -lSystem"
. After some googling and experimenting, I found this: https://github.com/ponylang/ponyc/issues/3684. Seems Apple made a breaking change with the default system libraries' locations, and now Homebrew's package (obtained withbrew install llvm
) is out of sync.I was able to fix the issue by passing the exact same flag in the question. My
function insidetesting.py
now looks like this:Maybe someone else is running into this issue as well, so I thought I'd post this suggestion.