TDJorgensen / lavaan.mi

Use R package lavaan to fit SEM to multiple imputations of missing data
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Error in (function (cl, name, valueClass) : ‘version’ is not a slot in the class definition for “lavaan.mi” #4

Closed Ning-pku closed 4 weeks ago

Ning-pku commented 4 weeks ago

Error in (function (cl, name, valueClass) : ‘version’ is not a slot in the class definition for “lavaan.mi”

when I run "out2<- lavaan.mi::sem.mi(model2, data=imp,, verbose=T)", I always encounter this error, even though I have confirmed that my versions of lavaan and lavaan.mi are aligned with the requirements.

packageVersion("lavaan") [1] ‘0.6.17’ packageVersion("lavaan.mi") [1] ‘’

How could I resolve this issue? Thanks very much!

TDJorgensen commented 4 weeks ago

lavaan.mi requires the latest development version of lavaan:
