TECH7Fox / asterisk-hass-integration

Asterisk integration for Home Assistant
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request: voice recognition service #89

Open damiaorocha opened 11 months ago

damiaorocha commented 11 months ago

It would be nice to have a service that allows using the voice recognition script for Asterisk that uses Google's Cloud Speech API, in which the recognized voice would be stored in a sensor of the home assistant. For example, I could use text to speech to ask the visitor to say their name and what they want on the intercom. With the response data stored in a sensor I could do automations.

TECH7Fox commented 11 months ago

I think we already have the Google stt in the add-on. Maybe we could send custom data like that to the integration to create a sensor for it?

TECH7Fox commented 11 months ago

We could set a global variable with the Google tts function, and in the integration allow creating custom variable sensors in the server device.