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Incorrect handling of Schematron in HTML output #306

Open hcayless opened 6 years ago

hcayless commented 6 years ago

When there's Schematron in attribute definitions inside element specs, the displayed RNG content model is broken. See http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-moduleRef.html at the bottom. A clearer idea of what's happening may be had if you switch to the XML view. The content model should either

  1. ignore the Schematron (since it's pulled out and displayed elsewhere) or
  2. Display it correctly

I'd vote for 1.

peterstadler commented 6 years ago

another vote for 1

martindholmes commented 6 years ago

Another vote for 1. We have other work to do on Schematron display. Is there, for instance, any way to provide Schematron messages in other languages?

sydb commented 5 years ago

Another vote for 1. And while I do not think this ticket is the place to approach that elephant, @martindholmes’ point is well taken. Someday we should internationalize Schematron messages. However, a related issue that perhaps should be on this ticket is that although @hcayless is correct, the Schematron for an attribute is displayed elsewhere, it is pretty ugly on anything but very wide screens.

lb42 commented 5 years ago

Definitely 1. (I am also ready to vote to suppress the RNG display entirely -- or complement it with the DTD and Schema versions)