TEIC / Stylesheets

TEI XSL Stylesheets
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TOC creation for TEI-in-TEI #496

Closed sydb closed 3 years ago

sydb commented 3 years ago

Now that <TEI> can self-nest, the mainTOC template in ./html/html_textstructure.xsl needs to be updated. (At the very least, test="self::tei:teiCorpus" needs to be test="self::tei:teiCorpus | self::tei:TEI[tei:TEI]", but there may be a lot more.)

(This is status: Go to see what needs to be done, and perhaps do it in a branch.)

martindholmes commented 3 years ago

@npcole, @sydb and I made a start on this in branch issue-496-corpus, and got some things working, but HTML is not yet working correctly. Ran out of time.

sydb commented 3 years ago

This was status GO to see what needs to be done. @martindholmes and I have spent ~2–3 hours together on this problem (one of them with @npcole’s help, too) and have not cracked this nut. (The problem is not that figuring out an XPath that does the right thing is difficult, but rather following the labyrinthine processing chain is a serious stumbling block.) Thus, at least for the moment, this is going to be “closed, won’t fix”.