TEIC / Stylesheets

TEI XSL Stylesheets
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tidy up FPI generation #598

Open sydb opened 1 year ago

sydb commented 1 year ago

This ticket exists as a reminder to Council to remove the code in odds/odd2dtd.xsl that looks inside <altIdent type="FPI"> for an FPI. We only use <idno type="FPI"> nowadays.

E.g., ( tei:idno[@type eq 'FPI'], tei:altIdent[@type eq 'FPI'] )[1] should become just tei:idno[@type eq 'FPI'], and a similar change for the FILES xsl:key lookup.

To see the spots that need to be adjusted, have a look at the diff for #510.

My instinct is we should do this in 2023-36 or 2024-33 (using ISO 8601:2019 notation for Q4 and Q1, respectively :-), i.e. waiting for 2 more releases to have gone by. (We are in no rush, this doesn’t cause a problem for users of the Stylesheets, it will just cause confusion for future maintainers.)

ebeshero commented 1 week ago

@sydb Is there any reason to leave this ticket open?