TEIC / Stylesheets

TEI XSL Stylesheets
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delete file extension doubling #628

Closed sydb closed 8 months ago

sydb commented 9 months ago

Per #543, strip off the input file’s extension (if it is one of the extensions we know about, that is) before appending the output file extension.

Code seems to work, but some serious testing is in order. Reviewers should test the code by trying several cases of things like the following, in with no output specified, with an output filename specified that is in the same dir as input, in current dir, or in a different dir altogether.

E.g., cd ~ ; /path/to/Stylesheets/bin/csvtotei ~/rockyracoon.coseva /tmp/rockyracoon.tei would be an example of the last with output in a different directory altogether.

sydb commented 9 months ago

Note — not passing tests yet. (I forgot all about them.) Reviewers should feel free to test now or wait until tests are passing.

sydb commented 9 months ago

Craziness — I just discovered that running cd Stylesheets/ ; make test does run the clean: target in the Test/Makefile, but running cd Stylesheets/Test/ ; make does not.

In any case, I think I finally have the tests working. If anyone is interested, here is how you can rename every file named “A.xml.B.ext” to just “A.B.ext”:

$ for f in *.xml.*; do echo "---------$f:" ; git mv $f ${f%.xml.*}.${f##*.xml.} ; done