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TEI XSL Stylesheets
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Failing to output epub3 from attList processing #640

Open ebeshero opened 8 months ago

ebeshero commented 8 months ago

@martindholmes called our attention today to a broken documentation build for outputting epub3, related to the processing of attLists and our new output of unordered lists to show the attribute memberships.

Over the course of the day, we traced the problem to common_tagdocs.xsl and the showAttClasses template. @sydb discovered where we should intervene (in two locations in the stylesheet that were calling showAttClasses) to make sure the <ul> element we need is properly output. Some epubs were outputting properly, and it was only for the spec pages that don't have any special custom attributes. For those that do not have any attLists in the spec, where we want to output the class memberships, we still needed to call the showAttClasses template and output a wrapper (via $ulName).