TEIC / Stylesheets

TEI XSL Stylesheets
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Acknowledge all contributors in Release READMEs #643

Open joeytakeda opened 8 months ago

joeytakeda commented 8 months ago

I would like to suggest that our READMEs take special note of contributors outside of the TEI-C; this can certainly be an automated thing, in which we include a list of all users (outside of current council members) who open an issue or raise a PR that is merged into the TEI-C or Stylesheets repo for a particular release.

ebeshero commented 23 hours ago

@joeytakeda As I'm editing my draft release notes for Stylesheets 7.57.0 and Guidelines 4.8.0 this weekend, I'd like to put something into them to acknowledge contributors of note! If you'd like to help with this round as a test run as we prepare for the release, let me know!

ebeshero commented 23 hours ago

I also think we should leave this open because we don't really have a systematic way of doing this yet. As the Council chairs draft the release notes, they also draft a message to the community that tends to provide additional information (like why we chose a particular release name, and who our release techs are). But I think we can add acknowledgments either to specific summaries of issues we've resolved or as a group in the intro (before we list the resolved issues). @joeytakeda

ebeshero commented 22 hours ago

Noting that my comments above are about literally composing the release minutes, writing them up as I'm reviewing the issues and PRs we've closed. I think you opened this on the Stylesheets perhaps with an idea to automate the process of acknowledgments? @joeytakeda