TEIC / Stylesheets

TEI XSL Stylesheets
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All XSLT 2.0 ⇒ 3.0 #649

Closed sydb closed 7 months ago

sydb commented 7 months ago

Council expressed a preference for switching from XSLT 2 to 3 one file at a time. So here I am submitting a PR which may be rejected just on the principle that it is not in line with the majority of Council’s preferences. But in case folks preferred one-at-a-time in the mistaken belief that it was easier (because it is really so easy to change them all at once), they might appreciate this.

As mentioned on the ticket, I could not use the lovely command I mentioned there, because it does XML processing and therefore messes up the whitespace inside attribute values, which is sometimes quite nice to have. So instead I used

$ perl -p -i -e 's,version="2.0",version="3.0",;' $(find . -name '*.xsl' -o -name '*.xslt')

Note that every file that got changed had 1 and only 1 occurrence of “version="2.0"”, except for ./Documentation/paramform.xsl and ./rdf/make-acdc.xsl which each had 2.

This change passes all of Test/ and Test2/ on my system; make release works, and I can build the GLs against these Stylesheets without trouble. (Except for the test of, and build of, PDF output, as I do not have xelatex on my system.)

raffazizzi commented 7 months ago

Thanks for this @sydb, I was definitely on the one-at-a-time camp because I wasn't sure someone would step up to do this work of changing them all at once, so thanks! It's great to see that all tests pass right away. Given recent events with the release and TEI Garage, I wanted to ask @peterstadler if he thinks this change could have repercussions there? I wouldn't think so since TEIGarage already runs some XSLT3 scripts, but want to make sure

peterstadler commented 7 months ago

[…] Given recent events with the release and TEI Garage, I wanted to ask @peterstadler if he thinks this change could have repercussions there? I wouldn't think so since TEIGarage already runs some XSLT3 scripts, but want to make sure

Only @anneferger is able to provide proper feedback here :) But my guess is too that it shouldn't be a problem. My proposal would be to not wait for TEIGarage to test but rather merge this into dev (when it passes your other tests) and the TEIGarage development shall try with the dev version of the Stylesheets. Since the next Stylesheets release is several months in the future that should be enough time for testing.

anneferger commented 7 months ago

I agree with @peterstadler, I'm not expecting any issues but am going to resolve them if they arise :)