TEIC / Stylesheets

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styling of new attr lists #657

Open sydb opened 5 months ago

sydb commented 5 months ago

We recently changed the listing of attributes on tagdoc pages to use actual <ul> and <li> elements, and gave them CSS so that they look much better than they used to. And this seems to work fine in the Guidelines HTML output, but in a customization ODD (e.g., generated by bin/teitohtml --odd) the new list is missing the colon and space between the class name and the first attribute.

I think this may be because the CSS file used for custom documentation (https://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/stylesheet/tei.css) does not have a rule for "ul.classSpecAttDefs". But I am not sure whether the rules from this repo (in P5/odd.css) or from the Styleseets repo (in css/odd.css), if either, should be used. (Actually, those specific rules may be the same, even though the files are moderately different. But in any case, those rules apply to ul.attList a.link_odd + ul.classSpecAttDefs::before, but the custom documentation HTML has class="link_ref" where the Guidelines have class="link_odd", I think.

joeytakeda commented 2 months ago

It looks like the rules in Stylesheets/css/odd.css are imported into tei.css; not sure why this is a link_ref and not a link_odd, but I've now added another rule in odd.css