TEIC / TEI-Simple

Legacy Repository: TEI SimplePrint now merged into TEI Repository. Originally TEI Simple aimed to define a new highly-constrained and prescriptive subset of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines suited to the representation of early modern and modern books, a formally-defined set of processing model rules that enable web applications to easily present and analyze the encoded texts, mapping to other ontologies, and processes to describe the encoding status and richness of a TEI digital text.
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Is there a dtd? #23

Closed JonathanReeve closed 8 years ago

JonathanReeve commented 8 years ago

Sorry if this is a silly question, but is there a TEI Simple DTD file somewhere? I notice it's referenced in tests/testsimple.xml, but I don't see it in the parent directory.

lb42 commented 8 years ago

As with other TEI schemes, it's always possible to generate a DTD from the ODD specification (teisimple.odd), using e.g. the online Roma tool, or a command line utility such as teitodtd. I don't think anyone's bothered to make a DTD : there are RELAXNG schemas at teisimple.rng and teisimple.rnc, and a W3C schema version at teisimple.xsd

lb42 commented 8 years ago

... and there is one now!

JonathanReeve commented 8 years ago

Awesome, thanks! I'd been having difficulty validating against a RELAX NG schema. xmllint --valid --relaxng teisimple.rng test-tei-simple.xml just sits there, not doing anything. But it seems to validate against DTDs.