TEIC / TEI-Simple

Legacy Repository: TEI SimplePrint now merged into TEI Repository. Originally TEI Simple aimed to define a new highly-constrained and prescriptive subset of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines suited to the representation of early modern and modern books, a formally-defined set of processing model rules that enable web applications to easily present and analyze the encoded texts, mapping to other ontologies, and processes to describe the encoding status and richness of a TEI digital text.
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reintroduce model/@class #25

Open tuurma opened 8 years ago

tuurma commented 8 years ago

to specify persistent and human/designer-friendly class names to be passed through to the output

lb42 commented 8 years ago

This is a bit gnomic. Can you expound?

tuurma commented 8 years ago

sure, in the early versions we actually did have @class to be used for the purpose of specifying css class name, with the intention that designer can specify necessary styling in static css. Later we dropped the idea afair without any real thought, on the assumption that generated class names can be used to the same purpose. Which is true, in a way, but leads to recurring trouble in real-life application, as additions to the odd trigger renumbering of generated class names, so designer has hard time to keep up. Not to mention that in numerous cases it just leads to redundant css classes, that are exact copies apart for their names.

lb42 commented 8 years ago

So this is more or less exactly the same as @rendition ?

tuurma commented 8 years ago

Yes, but done properly :)

lb42 commented 8 years ago

I am resisting the temptation to ask what is improper about the current @rendition : the point is that we don't want to invent a new attribute if there's already one that does the job

tuurma commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I mean done in a neater way than our current outputRendition stuff. I have no quarrel wih @rendition itself.

wolfgangmm commented 8 years ago

To support this request: from a workflow point of view, a web developer would usually start with a mockup and create the CSS before plugging in TEI. So there will be CSS classes defined already and you would expect the output of the TEI-HTML transformation to respect them and not vice versa. Just imagine you have to tell your designer to adjust all his neatly organised stuff to the arbitrary, non-telling class names produced by the PM.

Also, in a real-world app you'll have a mix of static and dynamic content, and you want to reuse your classes for both in a consistent way.

lb42 commented 8 years ago

I understand and support the use case: I'm just quibbling about the name of the attribute. We do have a global attribute @rendition which can be used to specify how the content of content-bearing elements should be formatted: I just wonder if we could repurpose this on <model> to do what you want. But if not, can we have a more explicit attribute name: @cssClass for example.

martindholmes commented 8 years ago

@rendition is one-or-more pointers; it would be rather abusive to store CSS class names in it unless there were some kind of private URI scheme or convention such as css:className. I agree that @cssClass is much more explicit, especially in the context of ODD where "class" has other meanings.

tuurma commented 8 years ago

For the sake of discussion: We could actually point to rendition entry in the header to store the css that reflects actual editorial decision (following the editor/designer separation of concerns), which would fit nicely with the documentary purpose of the odd and would fit with @rendition's content model. @cssClass is self-explanatory though and doesn't force editors to do anything more.

lb42 commented 8 years ago

Ah, but if you use @rendition like that on <model>, then strictly speaking you are talking about how the model element should be rendered, not the things that use it. So probably better stick with the idea of a separate new attribute @cssClass

martindholmes commented 8 years ago

Remember @rendition and the <rendition> element are intended to describe the appearance of the original source text -- we say that explicitly in the Guidelines, and we've always made a big deal about it. We can't now start repurposing that mechanism for describing what we want the output to look like.

lb42 commented 8 years ago

Agreed. I just wanted to get clarity on what this proposed new attribute was for.

tuurma commented 8 years ago

Are we in agreement then and shall we proceed and add @cssClass?

lb42 commented 8 years ago

I am not sure. Why is this not an attribute on (or content of) <outputRendition> ?

Why not, for example, use @n on <outputRendition> ? It's meant to "supply a name or number" for the element content, which is surely what we are doing here?

tuurma commented 8 years ago

First argument that comes to mind against <outputRendition> is there may co-exist a number of those in a model. There's no clear hierarchy between them and no other wrapper than <model> for them. Eg.

<elementSpec mode="change" ident="corr">
            <model behaviour="inline">
                        <outputRendition scope="before">content: '[';</outputRendition>
                        <outputRendition scope="after">content: ']';</outputRendition>
lb42 commented 8 years ago

But surely in that case the before-ing and after-ing would both be handled in the CSS? so you wouldn't want to do it like that anyway?

<model behaviour="inline">
   <outputRendition n="bracketted"/>
   <!-- CSS class "bracketted" puts brackets before and after the content -->
tuurma commented 8 years ago

Depends how you think about it: should everything that can be done in CSS be done in CSS? No point in having outputRendition at all then. Yet we do, and I believe the intention was to provide a place to specify and document high level editorial decisions about the output. And statement that corrections are to be displayed in [] is clearly such a decision, hence this outputRendition case has made it into teisimple.odd

lb42 commented 8 years ago

Exactly: it depends on where you have decided to draw the line between what's done in the CSS and what's done in the ODD. If you decided to document the bracketting in the ODD, you don't want to refer to the CSS class; if you decided to do it in the CSS, then your ODD needs to refer to that. Not both, or you make it possible for them to contradict each other.

tuurma commented 8 years ago

If you decided to document the bracketting in the ODD, you don't want to refer to the CSS class

This doesn't necessarily follow. I agree that line between what is an editorial decision (to be documented in the odd) an design one (to be provided via external css) is somewhat blurry, but there is no reason why certain element shouldn't be subject to both editorial decisions (like putting stuff in brackets) and design ones (like making it flamboyant red by mad designer). So yes, it is perfectly possible to want both outputRendition and css class at the same time.

We already mention the process of merging outputRendition with @useSourceRendition in the prose, which also can introduce conflicts. I don't see why we should worry about it here?

lb42 commented 8 years ago

So, if I'm understanding correctly, the following is (more or less) what we/you want:

"The intended output to be generated for a particular behaviour of a processing model may be documented in one or all of the three following ways. Firstly, the @CSSclass attribute may be used to specify the name of a CSS style in some associated CSS stylesheet which is to be applied to each occurrence of a specified element found (in a given context, for a specified output). Secondly, the attribute @useSourceRendition may be used to indicate that the default rendition for occurrences of this element, as defined by a <rendition> element in the document header, should be applied. Thirdly, the styling to be applied may be specified explicitly as content of a child <outputRendition> element.

When more than one of these options is used, they are understood to be combined in accordance with the rules for multiple declaration of the styling language used. "

For consistency, maybe we should add a @predicate attribute to <rendition> ? But that's another ticket.

tuurma commented 8 years ago

Your wording sums it up nicely indeed, thanks. One suggestion though

Firstly, the @CSSclass attribute may be used to specify the name of a CSS style in some associated CSS stylesheet which is to be applied to each occurrence of a specified element found (in a given context, for a specified output).

to be rewritten as

Firstly, the @CSSclass attribute may be used to specify the name of a CSS style in some associated CSS stylesheet which is to be applied to each occurrence of a specified element matched by current <model>.

@predicate on <outputRendition> you mean I guess? As a child of <model> it inherits predicate already, doesn't it?

lb42 commented 8 years ago

Not sure that I like your revision, because it's not clear what "matched by" means (a <model> isn't really a pattern is it?). My phrase is intended to make clear that we're talking about a specific context for a specific output, as specified on a <model>

And no, I did mean <rendition>. But looking at it again, probably <tagUsage would be more appropriate.

tuurma commented 8 years ago

specific context for a specific output, as specified on a <model>

if you could add these last few words then? Mentioning model explicitly sounds clearer, I think.

I have to admit I don't get rendition/tagUsage business but happy to be englightened on a separate ticket :)

tuurma commented 7 years ago

Firstly, the @CSSclass attribute may be used to specify the name of a CSS style in some associated CSS stylesheet which is to be applied to each occurrence of the element specified found in a context and for an output as specified via @predicate and @output attributes of a <model>.

Would that be acceptable wording?