TEIC / TEI-Simple

Legacy Repository: TEI SimplePrint now merged into TEI Repository. Originally TEI Simple aimed to define a new highly-constrained and prescriptive subset of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines suited to the representation of early modern and modern books, a formally-defined set of processing model rules that enable web applications to easily present and analyze the encoded texts, mapping to other ontologies, and processes to describe the encoding status and richness of a TEI digital text.
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How should a function behave when it's XPath expression doesn't return anything? #5

Closed buckett closed 9 years ago

buckett commented 9 years ago

How should a function behave when its XPath expression doesn't return anything. If it's a function that outputs some content (block(../element)) should the output container still be written? I'm guessing not, but it's not explicit in the specification.

lb42 commented 9 years ago

The purpose of the Xpath is presumably to specify the content of the output container, not the container itself. So I think it ought to return an empty output container.

tuurma commented 9 years ago

We probably need to discuss this one. It is possible to want to have some output when the content is empty (<gap/> elements would be an example: content is empty, but you typically want to put in some placeholder like [...], so you'd have rendition & scope and would need an inline element to attach it to.

sebastianrahtz commented 9 years ago

I agree with Lou. You dont need to clean up after people. If they write XPath which returns no content, you should produce an empty container.