Closed lb42 closed 6 years ago
@martindholmes @sydb @jamescummings @lb42 I spent some time simplifying the explanation and examples in to eliminate the examples with @render
on <tagUsage>
. The revision is in this commit to dev:
I'm reasonably confident that the revision is correct with what we as Council intend, but since this is the first intensive revision I've attempted to make with the language of the Guidelines I'd appreciate it if you'd take a look and let me know if I need to alter anything further. Martin, I'm alerting you because I think you wrote some of the examples that we needed to revise.
@ebeshero This looks good to me, although I'd like to see a completed build to read it in context. When we get to that stage, if everyone's happy, do remove the commented-out bits.
Removed commented-out bits, per Council recommendation, so marking this closed.
I'm reopening this because the prose of the French Header chapter (Guidelines/fr/HD-Header.xml) still contains a reference to this attribute which needs to be fixed:
<p>Cette proposition autorise l’encodeur à saisir une description informelle de
restitution, ou style, sous forme de prose suivie libre uniquement. Il est compris que la
restitution s’applique, par défaut, à toutes les occurrences d’un élément qui nomme son
identifiant comme étant la valeur de l’attribut <att>render</att> de l’élément <gi>tagUsage
</gi> en question. Dans le cas d’occurrences d’un élément auxquelles la restitution par
défaut ne s’applique pas, l’encodeur devrait en donner une description précise et
explicite en utilisant l’attribut global <att>rend</att> pour les éléments en question.</p>
There's this egXML too:
<egXML xmlns=""><tagsDecl>
<rendition xml:id="style1">
... description d’une restitution par défaut…
<rendition xml:id="style2">
... description d’une autre restitution par défaut…
<namespace name="">
<tagUsage gi="p" render="#style1"> ... </tagUsage>
<tagUsage gi="hi" render="#style2"> ... </tagUsage>
I self-assigned this ticket a while back when we were rewriting the explanation and examples in English. Is anyone else more confident than I am about editing the French version?
There are many many things that need revision in the Fr version!
@lb42 I'm looking at this ticket in the weekend before a refrigeration (prior to July 1 freeze before next release)...I could make a miserable attempt at translating my amended language into French, but something tells me you could do this faster than I could...Would you be willing to help with just this piece? You can see my revisions in this commit:
@martindholmes noted two areas to be fixed in the French Header chapter (Guidelines/fr/HD-Header.xml) and an egXML. Bet you could fix these in 5 minutes!
Since when do we keep a ticket (sorry, issue) open to reflect a change in another language? I don’t think (off the top of my head) we have ever done that before. Translation is a different problem, and we are well aware that the only entire chapter translated into a non-English language is somewhat behind.
Well, Martin reopened it because he thought the misdirection in the French version needed to be addressed. Perhaps this issue sets a precedent, though it seems generally we are turning more attention to translation maintenance in the Guidelines. I don't think this would be difficult to address for the TEI experts I know who are more fluent en Francais que moi.
When someone of us points out a specific passage or two that could be rendered accurate and up to date in non-English versions of Guidelines that we supposedly maintain, should we not try diligently to update them?
It all depends what level of maintenance is aimed at for the non-English parts. For example, I would have thought that maintaining the non-English parts of the tagdocs should have a much higher priority than maintaining the text of a translated chapter, since oXygen (for example) actually uses them. Yet I'm not aware that anyone ever thinks to update a non-English <desc> or check a non-English <exemplum> when updating their English equivalents. Why does this obscure part of a barely visible chapter merit special attention, especially when there are plenty of far more significant changes to the chapter which are not reflected in it? Cf #1341
I've carefully edited the parts of the French Header chapter that @martindholmes brought to light, to remove the deprecated use of @render
on <tagUsage>
and updated the examples. Note: I tried to keep my edits to the prose minimal, but updated the examples to look more like those we now have in the English Guidelines.
The attribute @render on
is slated for removal in less than 6 months time. The discussion at needs some extensive revision before that time.