The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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Merge and #1477

Open gerritbruening opened 8 years ago

gerritbruening commented 8 years ago

The content of may be combined with the content of

In particular, it seems to me that the fictitious use case could as well be handled with <restore>:

This is <del><restore>just some</restore> sample <restore>text</restore></del> ...

I think it’s up to the individual encoder what he or she considers a “comparatively simple case”. Instead, the usage of <restore> or <undo> may more or less be a matter of style. One encoder might like pointer mechanisms, while another encoder might find nested elements, easier to encode, to read, and to process.

gerritbruening commented 8 years ago

Part of the intended restructuring of chapter 11, see https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/1427.

martinascholger commented 8 years ago

What confuses me is the prose within which refers to restore as a "simple case where a simple deletion is marked as having been subsequently cancelled", whereas the actual definition of restore is that it "indicates restoration of text to an earlier state by cancellation of an editorial or authorial marking or instruction." That means that restore cannot only be used for restoring deleted text, but also for other marks like circled or underlined text, etc. Might one say that restore is used for restoring a "single" intervention and undo for a "sequence" of related interventions? Has anyone a clear distinction of these two elements?

gerritbruening commented 8 years ago

I think the syntax is the key to understanding the difference:

So, the (previously deleted) text is restored, while the previous alteration is undone.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

Council discussed this and we agree with Gerrit's explanation here. Go ahead and implement the revision (which helps toward general revision of Ch. 11).

martinascholger commented 7 years ago

Asked the MS-SIG for examples (already got responses)

gerritbruening commented 7 years ago

The question of <del> and <restore> and the like is a special case of using elements in combination. So it may make sense to use the material of section Use of the <gap>, <del>, <damage>, <unclear>, and <supplied> Elements in Combination as starting point. Ideally the material of these three section could brought into one sensible sequence.

martinascholger commented 5 years ago

As discussed with Gerrit Brüning in late October, the issue will be postponed and implemented as part of the restructuring of Chapter 11.