The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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rs should contain q and quote #1531

Closed ebeshero closed 6 years ago

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

As raised on the TEI list on Oct. 30, 2016, we can't nest a <q> (or a <quote> element inside a <rs> element . The examples from Scott Vanderbilt's archaeology project posted on the list look like unusual but plausible use-cases fpr <rs> to contain quoted material, and might be useful in the Guidelines to broaden diversity of examples in the Guidelines, should we decide this ticket is "Go." This example looks especially useful:

   <rs type="findspot">in excavation, re-used in a fourth-century

and perhaps this:

<rs>The town <quote>formerly known as Princeton</quote></rs>
peterstadler commented 7 years ago

As I just wrote on TEI-L, I'd support this FR but was down voted once, see http://tei-l.970651.n3.nabble.com/quotes-in-names-tp4026585.html for some historic discussion.

lb42 commented 7 years ago

Firstly, as I said on the thread on TEI-L, it seems wrong to me to use <rs> for a descriptive phrase like this. It's meant to behave like a name : an alternative to <placeName> or <persName>. You would never say "I found this axe at 'in excavation reused in a 4th century chalet', nor expect that description to turn up in a list of places. Hence my suggestion of using a more neutral block level (and typable) element such as <ab> to record these find-place descriptions. Secondly, if you insist on using a phrase level element such as <rs>, you only have phrase level content at your disposal. So you could use <mentioned> or <soCalled> (either of which seems to suit the "chalet" example, or (if you just want to record the presence of the quote marks) <hi>. Thirdly, the phrase "formerly known as Princeton" is not a quote, so far as I can tell, except from me! Introducing <q> into the content of a phrase level element would disrupt the current model quite severely. One prototypical use for <q> is "stuff in quotes" (it's almost a synonym for <hi rend="quoted">). The other is to encode direct speech without the bother of having to wrap each part in <p> elements. That's why it's in model.inter rather than model.phrase.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

That is just the problem that people tend to have with <rs>, though, isn't it? It's a phrase that's kind of like a name, but isn't. It's a "string" that "refers": that makes it some snippet of text, and we shouldn't have to make workarounds when a string that refers happens to have quotation marks in it for whatever reason it happens to have quotation marks. A "referring string" might well contain spoken words, or words that are quoted from another source. If we can use <soCalled> why can't we also use <q> as well as <hi rend="quote">? Shouldn't all these options be available to the encoder? What is so disruptive about permitting <q> and <quote> if we're permitted <mentioned> and <soCalled>?

I think it's a little premature to close this discussion.

lb42 commented 7 years ago

Sorry, didn't mean to close the ticket. But I do think the proposal is disruptive of the current hierarchy of content models. mentioned and soCalled and hi are phrase level elements; q is not. If it were you wouldn't be able to markup passages of direct speech without enclosing each one within a <p> for example.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

Okay, so the issue, if I understand this right, is that <q> isn't a "phrase-level" element, but that <rs> is phrase-level. Even so, we use <q> above and below the paragraph level, and that makes it difficult to explain what we mean by a "phrase level" element. Well, of course <rs> is a member of model.nameLike, and that is a member of model.phrase. I understand the content-model problem, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around why we disallow <q> and <quote> from that which is model.phrase.

The issue of direct speech seems to be one of scope, but <q> is used all the time inside what most of us think of conventionally as "just a phrase." I'm studying model.phrase and wondering if the idea was to exclude quoteLike and qLike` because these are always (by the Guidelines) considered to be above phrase-level by definition.

Frankly, I'm confused by the dynamic applicability of model.inter which permits the use of qLike and quoteLike above the paragraph level AND below it. The application below the paragraph level seems to be the question here. Okay, obviously we don't want <rs> to be so big and expansive that it can contain whole paragraphs the way <q> does--I get that that would be the disruptive thing. rs is a member of model.phrase for good reason.

But what about permitting <q> and <quote> within <rs> and other phrase level elements because they are every bit as applicable as other things we treat as phrases in Real Life? You're going to tell me this is something people can do for themselves at ODD level, and I won't disagree, except they'd be doing something that explicitly (now) cuts against our hierarchy of content models. Sigh.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

After all that, here's my question: Would it be an awful thing to permit a member of model.inter inside a member of model.phrase?

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

F2F subgroup recommends the content of rs should include model.qLike .

sydb commented 7 years ago

@sydb will compare lists of elements that have macro.phraseSeq as content and those that have macro.paraContent. Also to take a look at how big a deal it might be to move <q> out of model.qLike.

sydb commented 6 years ago

Have %macro.phraseSeq; in their content model: <abbr>, <actor>, <addName>, <addrLine>, <affiliation>, <author>, <biblScope>, <birth>, <bloc>, <catchwords>, <citedRange>, <cl>, <colophon>, <country>, <death>, <distinct>, <distributor>, <district>, <docAuthor>, <docDate>, <edition>, <editor>, <education>, <eg>, <email>, <expan>, <explicit>, <extent>, <faith>, <finalRubric>, <floruit>, <foreign>, <forename>, <fw>, <genName>, <geoDecl>, <geogFeat>, <geogName>, <gloss>, <headItem>, <headLabel>, <heraldry>, <incipit>, <label>, <material>, <measure>, <mentioned>, <name>, <nameLink>, <nationality>, <num>, <objectType>, <offset>, <orgName>, <origPlace>, <persName>, <phr>, <placeName>, <pubPlace>, <publisher>, <region>, <residence>, <role>, <roleDesc>, <roleName>, <rs>, <rubric>, <s>, <secFol>, <settlement>, <sex>, <soCalled>, <socecStatus>, <speaker>, <stamp>, <street>, <surname>, <term>, <textLang>, <watermark>, <wit>, and <witDetail>.

Have %macro.paraContent; in their content model: <ab>, <add>, <camera>, <caption>, <case>, <colloc>, <corr>, <damage>, <def>, <del>, <docEdition>, <emph>, <gen>, <gram>, <hi>, <hyph>, <iType>, <imprimatur>, <lang>, <lbl>, <mod>, <mood>, <number>, <orig>, <orth>, <p>, <per>, <pos>, <pron>, <ref>, <reg>, <restore>, <retrace>, <rhyme>, <salute>, <secl>, <seg>, <sic>, <signed>, <sound>, <stress>, <subc>, <supplied>, <surplus>, <syll>, <tech>, <title>, <titlePart>, <tns>, <u>, <unclear>, <usg>, and <writing>.

GI phraseSeq paraContent
ab macro.paraContent
abbr macro.phraseSeq
actor macro.phraseSeq
add macro.paraContent
addName macro.phraseSeq
addrLine macro.phraseSeq
affiliation macro.phraseSeq
author macro.phraseSeq
biblScope macro.phraseSeq
birth macro.phraseSeq
bloc macro.phraseSeq
camera macro.paraContent
caption macro.paraContent
case macro.paraContent
catchwords macro.phraseSeq
citedRange macro.phraseSeq
cl macro.phraseSeq
colloc macro.paraContent
colophon macro.phraseSeq
corr macro.paraContent
country macro.phraseSeq
damage macro.paraContent
death macro.phraseSeq
def macro.paraContent
del macro.paraContent
distinct macro.phraseSeq
distributor macro.phraseSeq
district macro.phraseSeq
docAuthor macro.phraseSeq
docDate macro.phraseSeq
docEdition macro.paraContent
edition macro.phraseSeq
editor macro.phraseSeq
education macro.phraseSeq
eg macro.phraseSeq
email macro.phraseSeq
emph macro.paraContent
expan macro.phraseSeq
explicit macro.phraseSeq
extent macro.phraseSeq
faith macro.phraseSeq
finalRubric macro.phraseSeq
floruit macro.phraseSeq
foreign macro.phraseSeq
forename macro.phraseSeq
fw macro.phraseSeq
gen macro.paraContent
genName macro.phraseSeq
geoDecl macro.phraseSeq
geogFeat macro.phraseSeq
geogName macro.phraseSeq
gloss macro.phraseSeq
gram macro.paraContent
headItem macro.phraseSeq
headLabel macro.phraseSeq
heraldry macro.phraseSeq
hi macro.paraContent
hyph macro.paraContent
iType macro.paraContent
imprimatur macro.paraContent
incipit macro.phraseSeq
label macro.phraseSeq
lang macro.paraContent
lbl macro.paraContent
material macro.phraseSeq
measure macro.phraseSeq
mentioned macro.phraseSeq
mod macro.paraContent
mood macro.paraContent
name macro.phraseSeq
nameLink macro.phraseSeq
nationality macro.phraseSeq
num macro.phraseSeq
number macro.paraContent
objectType macro.phraseSeq
offset macro.phraseSeq
orgName macro.phraseSeq
orig macro.paraContent
origPlace macro.phraseSeq
orth macro.paraContent
p macro.paraContent
per macro.paraContent
persName macro.phraseSeq
phr macro.phraseSeq
placeName macro.phraseSeq
pos macro.paraContent
pron macro.paraContent
pubPlace macro.phraseSeq
publisher macro.phraseSeq
ref macro.paraContent
reg macro.paraContent
region macro.phraseSeq
residence macro.phraseSeq
restore macro.paraContent
retrace macro.paraContent
rhyme macro.paraContent
role macro.phraseSeq
roleDesc macro.phraseSeq
roleName macro.phraseSeq
rs macro.phraseSeq
rubric macro.phraseSeq
s macro.phraseSeq
salute macro.paraContent
secFol macro.phraseSeq
secl macro.paraContent
seg macro.paraContent
settlement macro.phraseSeq
sex macro.phraseSeq
sic macro.paraContent
signed macro.paraContent
soCalled macro.phraseSeq
socecStatus macro.phraseSeq
sound macro.paraContent
speaker macro.phraseSeq
stamp macro.phraseSeq
street macro.phraseSeq
stress macro.paraContent
subc macro.paraContent
supplied macro.paraContent
surname macro.phraseSeq
surplus macro.paraContent
syll macro.paraContent
tech macro.paraContent
term macro.phraseSeq
textLang macro.phraseSeq
title macro.paraContent
titlePart macro.paraContent
tns macro.paraContent
u macro.paraContent
unclear macro.paraContent
usg macro.paraContent
watermark macro.phraseSeq
wit macro.phraseSeq
witDetail macro.phraseSeq
writing macro.paraContent

Have neither in their content model: <TEI>, <abstract>, <accMat>, <acquisition>, <activity>, <addSpan>, <additional>, <additions>, <address>, <adminInfo>, <age>, <alt>, <altGrp>, <altIdent>, <altIdentifier>, <alternate>, <am>, <analytic>, <anchor>, <annotationBlock>, <anyElement>, <app>, <appInfo>, <application>, <arc>, <argument>, <att>, <attDef>, <attList>, <attRef>, <authority>, <availability>, <back>, <bibl>, <biblFull>, <biblStruct>, <bicond>, <binary>, <binaryObject>, <binding>, <bindingDesc>, <body>, <broadcast>, <byline>, <c>, <cRefPattern>, <caesura>, <calendar>, <calendarDesc>, <castGroup>, <castItem>, <castList>, <catDesc>, <catRef>, <category>, <cb>, <cell>, <certainty>, <change>, <channel>, <char>, <charDecl>, <charName>, <charProp>, <choice>, <cit>, <classCode>, <classDecl>, <classRef>, <classSpec>, <classes>, <climate>, <closer>, <code>, <collation>, <collection>, <cond>, <condition>, <constitution>, <constraint>, <constraintSpec>, <content>, <correction>, <correspAction>, <correspContext>, <correspDesc>, <creation>, <custEvent>, <custodialHist>, <damageSpan>, <dataFacet>, <dataRef>, <dataSpec>, <datatype>, <date>, <dateline>, <decoDesc>, <decoNote>, <default>, <defaultVal>, <delSpan>, <depth>, <derivation>, <desc>, <dictScrap>, <dim>, <dimensions>, <div>, <div1>, <div2>, <div3>, <div4>, <div5>, <div6>, <div7>, <divGen>, <docImprint>, <docTitle>, <domain>, <eLeaf>, <eTree>, <editionStmt>, <editorialDecl>, <egXML>, <elementRef>, <elementSpec>, <empty>, <encodingDesc>, <entry>, <entryFree>, <epigraph>, <epilogue>, <equipment>, <equiv>, <etym>, <event>, <ex>, <exemplum>, <f>, <fDecl>, <fDescr>, <fLib>, <facsimile>, <factuality>, <figDesc>, <figure>, <fileDesc>, <filiation>, <floatingText>, <foliation>, <forest>, <form>, <formula>, <front>, <fs>, <fsConstraints>, <fsDecl>, <fsDescr>, <fsdDecl>, <fsdLink>, <funder>, <fvLib>, <g>, <gap>, <gb>, <geo>, <gi>, <glyph>, <glyphName>, <gramGrp>, <graph>, <graphic>, <group>, <handDesc>, <handNote>, <handNotes>, <handShift>, <head>, <height>, <history>, <hom>, <hyphenation>, <iNode>, <ident>, <idno>, <if>, <iff>, <imprint>, <incident>, <index>, <institution>, <interaction>, <interp>, <interpGrp>, <interpretation>, <item>, <join>, <joinGrp>, <keywords>, <kinesic>, <l>, <lacunaEnd>, <lacunaStart>, <langKnowledge>, <langKnown>, <langUsage>, <language>, <layout>, <layoutDesc>, <lb>, <leaf>, <lem>, <lg>, <licence>, <line>, <link>, <linkGrp>, <list>, <listApp>, <listBibl>, <listChange>, <listEvent>, <listForest>, <listNym>, <listOrg>, <listPerson>, <listPlace>, <listPrefixDef>, <listRef>, <listRelation>, <listTranspose>, <listWit>, <localName>, <locale>, <location>, <locus>, <locusGrp>, <m>, <macroRef>, <macroSpec>, <mapping>, <measureGrp>, <media>, <meeting>, <memberOf>, <metDecl>, <metSym>, <metamark>, <milestone>, <model>, <modelGrp>, <modelSequence>, <moduleRef>, <moduleSpec>, <monogr>, <move>, <msContents>, <msDesc>, <msFrag>, <msIdentifier>, <msItem>, <msItemStruct>, <msName>, <msPart>, <musicNotation>, <namespace>, <node>, <normalization>, <notatedMusic>, <note>, <notesStmt>, <numeric>, <nym>, <oRef>, <objectDesc>, <occupation>, <opener>, <org>, <origDate>, <origin>, <outputRendition>, <pRef>, <param>, <paramList>, <paramSpec>, <particDesc>, <pause>, <pb>, <pc>, <performance>, <person>, <personGrp>, <persona>, <physDesc>, <place>, <population>, <postBox>, <postCode>, <postscript>, <precision>, <prefixDef>, <preparedness>, <principal>, <profileDesc>, <projectDesc>, <prologue>, <provenance>, <ptr>, <publicationStmt>, <punctuation>, <purpose>, <q>, <quotation>, <quote>, <rdg>, <rdgGrp>, <re>, <recordHist>, <recording>, <recordingStmt>, <redo>, <refState>, <refsDecl>, <relatedItem>, <relation>, <remarks>, <rendition>, <repository>, <resp>, <respStmt>, <respons>, <revisionDesc>, <root>, <row>, <said>, <samplingDecl>, <schemaRef>, <schemaSpec>, <scriptDesc>, <scriptNote>, <scriptStmt>, <seal>, <sealDesc>, <segmentation>, <sense>, <sequence>, <series>, <seriesStmt>, <set>, <setting>, <settingDesc>, <shift>, <signatures>, <source>, <sourceDesc>, <sourceDoc>, <sp>, <spGrp>, <space>, <span>, <spanGrp>, <specDesc>, <specGrp>, <specGrpRef>, <specList>, <sponsor>, <stage>, <state>, <stdVals>, <string>, <styleDefDecl>, <subst>, <substJoin>, <summary>, <superEntry>, <support>, <supportDesc>, <surface>, <surfaceGrp>, <surrogates>, <symbol>, <table>, <tag>, <tagUsage>, <tagsDecl>, <taxonomy>, <teiCorpus>, <teiHeader>, <terrain>, <text>, <textClass>, <textDesc>, <textNode>, <then>, <time>, <timeline>, <titlePage>, <titleStmt>, <trailer>, <trait>, <transcriptionDesc>, <transpose>, <tree>, <triangle>, <typeDesc>, <typeNote>, <undo>, <unicodeName>, <vAlt>, <vColl>, <vDefault>, <vLabel>, <vMerge>, <vNot>, <vRange>, <val>, <valDesc>, <valItem>, <valList>, <value>, <variantEncoding>, <view>, <vocal>, <w>, <when>, <width>, <witEnd>, <witStart>, <witness>, <xenoData>, <xr>, and <zone>.

sydb commented 6 years ago

OK, sorry, but almost a year later someone is going to have to remind me of what we meant by “Also to take a look at how big a deal it might be to move <q> out of model.qLike”.

sarcanon commented 6 years ago

I feel like something drastic needs to happen to get this ticket moved along. Googles self-immolation...

lb42 commented 6 years ago

I don't see that any of the doubts raised at the start of this thread have been addressed in subsequent discussion. So probably self immolation is your best course.:grinning:

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

Well, short of such violent metaphorical drastic measures, we could put a Guidelines 3.5.0 milestone marker on this. Apparently we were intending to implement this after all...

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

Reviewing the history of the ticket, what was marked as "go" on 6 February 2017 was simply this:" F2F subgroup recommends the content of rs should include model.qLike . " How did that become so complicated afterwards?

jamescummings commented 6 years ago

I'm still of the opinion that this is a mis-use of <rs>. I still think @lb42 has it right in October 2016 https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/1531#issuecomment-257180878

Can someone provide me an example of something which is truly a general purpose name or string referencing a name (like 'he', 'she', etc.) that needs quotes inside it? (i.e. that shouldn't be just marked with <name>?)

hcayless commented 6 years ago

I guess the larger issue is that <q> is meant to mark "quoted" text, and that can happen at any level. Not thinking so much about <rs> here, but any name: what about Constantino "Big" Paul Castellano, e.g.? I know there are other ways to do it, but it seems weird that I can't use the particular element designed to mark quoted text.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

How about this for an example, making a point of nesting the <q>:

<rs>the one who goes by <q>he who must not be named</q></rs>
ebeshero commented 6 years ago

Of course you could use <soCalled> in the previous one, so here's another:

<rs>the one who coined the phrase <quote>the buck stops here</quote></rs>
jamescummings commented 6 years ago

@hcayless Again, that isn't an rs, that is a proper name. So use name or persName.

@ebeshero Again, that isn't an rs that is a [PHRASE] that contains an rs. I'd say <rs rend="quoted">he who must not be named</rs> In the second example it is <rs>the one</rs>.

I just feel all of these are abuse of rs, I might be in the minority but just trying to be honest.

I should state that I'm not adverse to rs (and *name) having q in its content model... just still haven't seen an example that really looks like an rs with a quote mark inside. I just want a really good example that no one can argue with. ;-) Or since a F2F subgroup already decided to allow it.... go ahead but we should be clear what we want to use it for and not encourage the kind of tag abuse (IMHO) that started this ticket.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@jamescummings I beg your pardon, but neither of my examples was a sentence! Both were phrases intended to indicate a person who isn't properly named, and restricting the encoding to surround <rs>the one</rs> would be incomplete and insufficient to indicate the individual indicated.

jamescummings commented 6 years ago

Apologies, I should have said 'phrase', corrected. How is surrounding <rs>The one</rs> less sufficient than surrounding <rs>The fighter</rs> (an example in the guidelines) or similar? If you want to relate it to a person then you use the @ref attribute or give it an @xml:id and point to it.

rs should, IMHO, be a word or phrase standing in for a name. 'his lady' and such. The first example given by the original poster:

<rs type="findspot">in excavation, re-used in a fourth-century

Just is not an rs in my reading of the guidelines.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@jamescummings Perhaps you don't yet know to whom "the one" refers and aren't in a position to give it a @ref attribute on first encoding. We don't always start projects with full-blown personographies.

jamescummings commented 6 years ago

@ebeshero Sure... then you don't give it a ref... But that doesn't mean you should be wrapping whole phrases and sentences in rs. IMHO.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@jamescummings My point is that it does sometimes make a difference to capture a full "referencing string" and abbreviating it to "the one" strikes me as manifestly improper because it's semantically incomplete.

jamescummings commented 6 years ago

How is 'the one' semantically incomplete but 'the fighter' not?

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@jamescummings Imagine capturing every referencing string used for a particular person, even when you do have them filed in a personography and can use @ref. Perhaps the project is to capture and extract a list of all phrases used to refer to a particular person (and not to other persons). I'd want to pan outward a little bit and having <rs> capture a phrase with a quote inside it doesn't seem far-fetched to me.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@jamescummings "the fighter" in a project full of warriors might well be semantically incomplete without the fuller context supplied by the thing s/he'd say.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@jamescummings It's simply a matter of precision.

jamescummings commented 6 years ago

The example is:

<s n="2">
 <rs xml:id="R4">The fighter</rs> is serving 30-40 years
 for a 1975 armed robbery conviction in <rs xml:id="R5">the penitentiary</rs>.

Do you think the findspot example that started this a valid use?

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@jamescummings Sure, there's nothing invalid about this use. And this example is not relevant to the discussion of whether <q> or <quote> should be used inside <rs>.

jamescummings commented 6 years ago

But it is the example which the original poster cited as the reason for this ticket?!!

   <rs type="findspot">in excavation, re-used in a fourth-century

Is just pure abuse to me.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

Ah, I thought you were referring to the example you just posted in your message--I didn't scroll up to check the original case. I'm not sure about that "findspot" example and I wouldn't want to use it in the Guidelines--there's something very project specific about this that isn't easy to understand. But we can (and have) come up with better (because generally accessible) examples.

hcayless commented 6 years ago

Again, that isn't an rs, that is a proper name. So use name or persName.

@jamescummings Can't. Their content models don't permit it. <q>'s note even says that it may be thought of as syntactic sugar for <hi rend="quote"> in some circumstances, but it can't be used in the same places as <hi>.

jamescummings commented 6 years ago

No, the example I posted (the fighter) is one from the Guidelines.. what we currently recommend.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@jamescummings Yep, and I see how you're using it to suggest a sort of minimum valid length for an <rs>, but I don't think it holds water...I do think we can do a better job to articulate a limit of applicability for <rs>, but I wouldn't be in favor of limiting it to no more than two words in the string.

jamescummings commented 6 years ago

@hcayless And that is indeed a good argument for it. As I said, I'm not adverse to the idea... just haven't had an example given that does it for me personally. If allowing in rs (which is meant to stand in for a name or string referring to a name) then it also needs to be allowed in name, persName, placeName, etc.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

Very much agreed on that point. But I rather like my examples, and I think @jamescummings might well reconsider them... ;-)

jamescummings commented 6 years ago

@ebeshero It is nothing to do with its length, but its semantics. An rs IMHO is a word or phrase standing in for a name. People keep posting examples which don't do that.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

How is this example not standing in for a name?

<rs>the one who coined the phrase <quote>the buck stops here</quote></rs>
ebeshero commented 6 years ago

Again, I'm going to say, in the example above, "the one" isn't enough to distinguish the individual precisely. We need the rest to make it clear who is being referred to.

jamescummings commented 6 years ago

@ebeshero If I reconsider, in your 'the one who goes by "he who must not be named"' example, to me, still, the bit that is standing in for the name is 'he who must not be named' I guess. So I'd still mark that be up as an rs, but not the whole phrase. Otherwise you'd have to mark up "The one who goes by James Cummings" as a persName rather than just James Cummings. (If you see what I mean?)

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

Hmmm... <rs>the one who goes by <q><persName>James Cummings</persName></q></rs> ?

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

Sorry--dang tick marks! ;-)

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

My problem with that example is that it's probably better to use <soCalled>...</soCalled> there, which is permitted. So I turned my attention to quotable aphorisms, on the formula of, <rs>the one who quipped <q>X cool statement</q></rs>.

jamescummings commented 6 years ago

That is closer, but again, in that instance the whole restrictive relative clause shouldn't be marked up as rs. The whole thing is not standing in place for a name, IMHO.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

A reminder of the content model of <rs>:

 <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq"/>

It's not an issue for an <rs> to be a phrase-level element.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

@jamescummings I'm pretty serious about this: if it were my project (and sometimes it is), I'd want full-blown distinguishing phrases and dependent clauses when they are dedicated to identifying a particular named entity. I'd not be content with delimiting <rs> to the shortest possible definable markup. There are good reasons for wanting this, including the attribution of spoken expressions to an individual.

jamescummings commented 6 years ago

For spoken expressions, don't we already have 'said'? We clearly have differing understandings of what 'rs' is for... And I'm certainly not against it (and *Name) having 'q' in its content model. I just keep seeing things as examples that I really think 'rs' was intended for. Why would you be using rs instead of any of the other possibilities?

hcayless commented 6 years ago

And that is indeed a good argument for it. As I said, I'm not adverse to the idea... just haven't had an example given that does it for me personally. If allowing in rs (which is meant to stand in for a name or string referring to a name) then it also needs to be allowed in name, persName, placeName, etc.

@jamescummings That was my point. If it should be allowed in <name> then it should presumably be allowed in the other name-like elements. I suspect the problem is that <q> is trying to do too much.

ebeshero commented 6 years ago

Think about this in terms of supporting serious research questions, which is the spirit of the original post in this ticket. The phrase-level aspect of <rs> has made it flexible for people to apply to short or long referring phrases. To be sure, <rs> can be all to easily applied wrongly where people ought to be using things like <seg>, but as long as a string of words can be said to refer to a named entity or function in a naming way, I don't think we should be keeping <q> out of it. There's nothing wrong with using <q> for spoken expressions, but if we really want to prevent people from saying, "use a different element", then let's consider a distinguishing expression that was written rather than spoken.